September 01, 2015
The ancient and wise mystics knew that the greatest secret for an auspicious life was hidden in working with the sunrise and sunset tides. As was the practice of the mystics, select a time in the morning and at night to work with your Divine spiritual practice. Establishing and maintaining the habit of practicing at a particular time and in a particular place every day initiates mental discipline that is of tremendous value. The location in which you practice should be both devotional in nature and comfortable.
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July 03, 2015
Holy Scriptures and sacred books surpass all other books, because they are written by the Spirit of God through people sanctified by God at different periods in history. We call these people who are sanctified by God prophets, apostles and enlightened human beings. The Holy Scriptures, then, are a cosmic hotline, connecting us directly with God. Any one line of the Holy Scriptures is empowered to perform wonders; each verse capable of healing any disease.
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June 10, 2015
This combination of Naam Simran, along with this science of the Naam of harmonious movements and their interrelationship to our thoughts and emotions, awaken the creative forces and gifts that lie dormant within us so that they may blossom into their fullness. They infuse our bodies with the harmony, rhythm, and the healing powers they are entrusted with, making our bodies healthy, strong, slender and beautiful.
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April 01, 2015
The Wahe Guru Power meditation is extremely potent. It washes away the sins and pains of countless incarnations, and brings the heavens into your being. With Wahe Guru Power, the Holy Name of God becomes your protective shield, because by vibrating Wahe Guru 40 times you are working with the Spirit of the Living God and invoking the blessings of the Divine Mother; the pure life-giving energy of love. By activating the Light of God in you, Wahe Guru will give you a magnetic personality, self-confidence and a strong will.
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April 01, 2015
Medical science is beginning to prove what yogis and mystics have known for centuries, which is that people who breathe slower are on the whole healthier than those who breathe more rapidly. According to yogic science, when the number of breaths per minutes decreases, the length of our life increases. Those who breathe slowly, deeply and consciously become magnetic, healthy and successful. Most rich and happy people do not have shallow breathing patterns.
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February 14, 2015
When you desire to heal a human being from all sickness and give them the health of the Divine Kingdom, use unconditional Love and Divine Spiritual Wisdom, also known as the sacred teachings of God. This newsletter reveals these ancient truths at the heart of Divine Spiritual Wisdom. When a mother has strong and unshakeable Love for her children, death cannot take them away from her. With Divine Love, it is possible to animate, enliven and resuscitate anyone.Save
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February 01, 2015
There is a spiritual law that dictates that an impure source communicates its impurities to its products. When a man or a woman commits evil, the karma is automatically transferred onto his or her posterity. Divine justice visits the trespasses of each generation upon the next. If divine justice can afflict the children through their parents, it can also purify the parents via their children.
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January 01, 2015
The year 2015 holds within it a magical vibration, which will stir in mankind a great longing for Divine Love. This is a year where we are given a chance to bring clarity to our dreams and our hopes, so that we can truly make them a reality by holding in our consciousness the truth that all things are possible as long as they flow in accordance with the Will of God, which is our highest will.
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November 01, 2014
Our past is extremely powerful and exerts a tremendous influence on our level of health and happiness. Yes indeed, our past conditions our mind and informs the circumstances of our current life. It is vast, made up of millions of lives. Babies are not as fresh and new as they look at birth. When a baby is born, he/she carries the imprint of past lives; the absorbed memories and understandings from previous incarnations, in combination with the sum of all karmas.
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October 31, 2014
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, is a powerful yogic mantra of pure consciousness. It calls upon the higher and loving consciousness, the Love principle, to act through you. By working with this formula your thoughts, words and deeds all become extensions of the Divine, eliminating all discord in the body and mind.Save
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July 15, 2014
By working with RAMA we can gradually repair, heal and strengthen our precious aura so that we may experience the full and unhindered flow of blessings and opportunities the Universe continuously brings to our door. The aura is a sensitive, living entity whose very health and radiance is directly linked to our success in life. A damaged aura can disturb our love life, our health and our career. Therefore it is vital to fix any cavities that our aura may have accumulated...
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July 03, 2014
Turbulence of any kind in life is a demand for us to rise higher in both thought and word. While flying in the plane of life, sometimes the ride becomes bumpy and turbulent. From time to time we all face challenges that bring friction to our lives. This can manifest as an unhappy relationship, health challenge or dysfunction at work.Save
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