July 02, 2014
We must understand that everything that takes place in our lives happens as a result of our own consciousness. Your life is a mirror of your internal reality, and you cannot hide what is within you, no matter how hard you try. Sooner or later, it will express itself in the external world. Raise your consciousness, and you will raise your whole being and life, for the entire world changes according to the vibration you are holding.
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July 01, 2014
When you begin the day with a positive, joyful, peaceful outlook, you maximize the opportunities that come your way and open the door to a full manifestation of your dreams. Ongoing optimism may seem unrealistic, but, once the candle of optimism is lit, it casts away all darkness and draws others toward it. In turn, other candles are lit, until an abundance of light banishes all remnants of pessimism. It is essential, then, to stay positive in your mind and heart.Save
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December 15, 2013
Many mystics and spiritual masters look for blessings by seeking for ways to give. God's blessing always manifests through our willingness to give and serve others. When you feel stuck, the quickest way to change your situation is by giving. By simply applying the principle of giving, you will see how eventually everything will work out wonderfully for you. Keep in mind, nothing can become a part of you until it is put into consistent practice and not until you have seen it work for you firsthand.SaveSaveSave
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December 01, 2013
We have received many inquiries throughout the years highlighting the unique benefits of working with the Rootlight Healing Beyond Medicine series of recordings. More still have reached out to us regarding the science behind the mystical formula that makes these CDs so positively impactful. It is with deep joy that we proudly share an article written by Dr. Mirshak. Here he shares his unique perspective coming from a strong music background.
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September 07, 2013
Scientific evidence has emerged linking cardiovascular disease, obesity, and even early death to long periods of time spent in a seated position. Indeed, sitting stops the electrical activity of the muscles, and slows the metabolism. Keep in mind that your metabolism engine is fueled by constant little movements. Therefore, when we do not shift our position every 2 minutes or so, the result is weight gain because our plasma and arteries become filled with plaque and fatty matter.
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August 01, 2013
It is with Love and blessings that this healing communication is sent to you, so that it may bring Light to your mind, warmth to your heart and strength to your Spirit. Read it more than once in order to receive the soothing light and wisdom embedded within its words. To those that have expressed the desire to understand the true meaning of suffering, you will find within these words the spiritual nourishment needed to rise above times of trial and tribulation, suffering or health challenges.
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June 01, 2013
The Prayer of Love, Peace and Light is based on the highly secret and mystical wisdom of the Kabbalah. Reciting it will empower your aura so that it may proceed, on the principle of universal sympathy, to attract a flow of similar energies from the Universe. Each morning and each evening, as well as during trying moments, close your eyes and mentally focus on the vibrations of Love, Peace and Light as the source of all blessings. Doing so will leave you feeling cleansed, inspired and refreshed, and fill your life with Grace.
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May 01, 2013
Thoughts and words are powerful living sparks of energy, created by the mind, heart and Spirit of the individual. While we are all influenced to a greater or lesser degree by our environment, it is our thoughts, words and conduct that have the greatest impact upon us. Indeed, our character is continually being shaped by the thoughts, feelings and actions of each day.
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July 12, 2012
AUM is the universal seed sound from where, it is said, all things began. All true healing comes from God. AUM is the word of the Spirit. Without the healing of the Spirit, the cure of the body is worth nothing. All is in the hands of God, and without Him there can be no health in us. The link with the Divine is the source of all power. And it is this power, which creates miracles.
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April 01, 2012
Words are manifested thoughts, heard and felt, vibrating through the air. The spoken word carries our thoughts directly into the physical plane. It is important, then, that we watch our words, particularly when we are speaking of that which we want to make a reality in our lives. Words that are carelessly spoken can delay the manifestation of our wishes. A strong Naam practice will empower your words, giving them extra strength to speed up the manifestation and creation of your heartfelt desires.
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April 01, 2012
The Naam Star Kriya has been kept hidden for millennia to avoid its misuse. As a posture of health and longevity, its rejuvenating and life-giving benefits cannot be overemphasized. In fact, the Naam Star Kriya is the ideal human posture of mathematical and natural perfection. The Naam Star Kriya will align you with the will of the Creator and ignite the flame of positivity, the candle of Love and Light, so as to burn and cast the darkness away, while lighting other people’s candles with our flame.
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