December 21st, 2012 Spiritual Practice for the Birth of a New Age

January 01, 2012

The Winter Solstice is one of the most powerful days of the year, and this December 21st is an extraordinary, historic day. It marks the end of a 26,000 year evolutionary cycle and the beginning of a completely new era for all humankind. We are in a very important moment in history for we are about to witness the birth of a new Age.

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October 28 and the Dawn of the Golden Age

October 01, 2011

October 28, 2011 is a date of major spiritual significance, that some scholars have connected to the end of the Mayan Calendar. The truth is from October 28, 2011 on, the world will move with increasing intensity toward its primordial state of spirituality. As the veil is lifted between Man and the Tree of Life, the Great Laws of Love, Wisdom, and Truth will descend from the world of Eternal Light to illuminate the minds, regenerate the hearts, and renew the souls of men and women. 

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Healing the Healer with Naam

September 01, 2010

Blessed, blessed and blessed is the one who listens to or vibrates this healing Naam. Open your soul as the flower does to the light of the Sun when you vibrate this healing combination of sacred mantras from Gurbani. Naam is the spiritual seed that grows in our heart and turns us into the Divine flower of Love, Wisdom, and Truth, so that we may be planted in God’s garden and once again become what we were before we fell from paradise.

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The Eye of God: Seeing Beyond the Mask of Spiritual Corruption & Falsehood

March 01, 2009

Working with the Sun is a beautiful spiritual practice whose simplicity makes it both magical and powerful. It is a Kabbalistic practice that links us to the divine heart and consciousness. It helps us to understand God’s truth and align ourselves with our own knowing. It allows us to align our heart and will with Gods’ will so that we may resonate with God. In so doing, we enter into a state of harmonious evolution and flow, and come to realize that we are the magic of the universe.

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Moving the Heavens for Grace and Protection

February 01, 2009

Vibrate Triple Mantra at any time, in any place, and everything that is negative, known or unknown, will leave you, even the possibility of untimely death. Whenever you feel indecisive, vulnerable or scattered within, stop and do Triple Mantra to collect yourself, so that you may connect with your Higher Self. By vibrating Triple Mantra, all the currents running through you will be brought into harmony and, whatever the circumstances, you will sense a powerful, peaceful balance within you which nothing can disturb.

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The Healing Power of Speech

September 01, 2008

Everyday speech is so powerful that you can determine a person’s level of spiritual evolution by evaluating his/her speech. Esoterically speaking, the eyes of man represent the mind, the tongue corresponds to the heart and the hands and legs of man represent the human will. When the eyes, the tongue, the hands and legs of man are free, it shows that he/she has a mind, good heart and willpower to work with, as well as his/her healing words to uplift and serve others in order to fulfill God’s Will.

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Universal Kabbalah and the Fountain of Light

March 01, 2008

There is a secret healing practice that master Kabbalists and yogis have found in the ancient past that has brought them health and magnetism, along with the nervous strength to fight the forces of darkness in all its forms and overcome any challenges of time and space. That secret is found in working with the Sun and Naam. The Sun is the eye of the universe, and Naam is the totality of the power of the Sun. 

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The Code of the Masters

January 01, 2008

Reading the Code of the Masters will heal you. When you absorb the teachings in this sacred book and vibrate Naam, your heart will be opened. You will become completely illuminated and intoxicated with Amrit Naam, so that wherever you go, people will be blessed by your elevating presence. Work with this sacred text and master Naam so that those who lay eyes on you, even once, will feel safe, peaceful and totally uplifted in your presence and will carry that feeling forward in their lives.

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A True Spiritual Master

October 01, 2007

Reading this work with an open heart will bring light to your mind, peace to your heart and strength to your spirit. Before I begin, I need to acknowledge the Rose Croix Kabbalah Initiates and Masters who guided me at an early age and imparted this once secret and vast Divine Spiritual Science to me; for from Divine Spiritual Wisdom emanates all wisdom, all knowledge and all guidance. I am also deeply grateful to Maharaj Ji for giving me the Naam while I was in India.

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Lumen de Lumine and the Light of Miracles

September 01, 2007

The mantra Lumen de Lumine is an extremely powerful living manifestation of the Adamic Star. It is the archetype of man; the First-Born in the world who developed and manifested all divine virtues and applied all divine laws. Lumen de Lumine is the Way, the Truth and the Life. As the Way, it is the Word; the movement of the spirit towards an intelligent application of the laws of Nature. As the Life, it is the harmonious organization of the elements and the development of the forces in the Divine soul. 

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Naam Yoga and the Human Brain

July 01, 2007

Naam Yoga is the method of organizing the new spiritual body, in which man will begin to live in this New Age of the glory of Self. Naam Yoga stimulates our brain cells to grow and connect with each other in complex ways. Indeed, Naam Yoga activates neural pathways and connections that are under-utilized, thereby improving their health and usefulness. Naam Yoga accomplishes this by extending the branches of dendrites, the intricate nerve fibers that act as antennas through which our neurons communicate with one another.

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Healing the Soul with the Elixir of Life

January 01, 2007

Naam is the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega, the instigating reason “Why?”, the answer and the solution. It is the power that we must use to conclude the cycle that we have journeyed through in order that we may raise ourselves to higher, more graceful states of being and re-form on earth the paradise once known and lost, that we may become the gods that we once were: that is our inheritance, our potential, our divine right.

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