Spiritual Ritual for the Lion's Gate Portal and 10 more...

Spiritual Ritual for the Lion's Gate Portal and 10 more...

August 03, 2022

This article from Dr. Levry, highlighting 11 applications of the Precious Mystical Formula includes a ritual to use in conjunction with the Lion’s Gate Portal helping you harness this auspicious portal for healing, creativity and manifestation.

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Quantum Metaphysical Self-Care and the Mystical Science of Numbers in a Rapidly Changing World from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

Quantum Metaphysical Self-Care and the Mystical Science of Numbers in a Rapidly Changing World from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

January 21, 2021

Navigating these Critical Times, Preventing the Past from Repeating Itself, and Healing Emotional Trauma brought on by the Global Pandemic with Divine Spiritual Wisdom.

In order to understand the present, we need to understand the past because unknown to most, the past announces the future. Interestingly, the present as well as the future very often repeat the past. 

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Жизненные Средства Для Защиты Oт Вируса

Жизненные Средства Для Защиты Oт Вируса

December 15, 2020

Поддержка вас и ваших любимых является высшим приоритетом в эти времена стремительных перемен и трансформации. Независимо от того, насколько вы молоды или стары, сейчас жизненно важно укрепить ваше тело, чтобы защитить себя. Ежедневная практика Наам йоги больше не роскошь, это необходимость. Единственное, что люди могут сделать сейчас, это усилить свою иммунную систему и укрепить их энергетическое, физическое, эмоциональное, духовное и ментальное тело. Сверх того, ежедневно вибрируйте Тройной Мантрой (Triple Mantra), потому что нет ничего более могущественного, чем имя Создателя. Нет ничего более могущественного, чем Творец. Наам или божественная сила, проявленная в звуковом потоке, является самой могущественной. Звукозапись Тройной Мантры (Rootlight Triple Mantra) была создана на основе точных духовных законов, чтобы действовать как нерушимая крепость, и таким образом укрепить и защитить вас в эти сложные времена.

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April 08, 2020

Divine Spiritual Wisdom in Sync with the Medical World!

Chris Cuomo, television journalist, CNN anchor and brother of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, shared the medical advice he received in his own personal battle with COVID-19 yesterday and the importance of breathing exercises and staying hydrated. Click to watch CNN Report

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A Universal Healing Prayer for the World at a Critical Time

A Universal Healing Prayer for the World at a Critical Time

April 04, 2020

This beautiful prayer was shared by Dr. Levry at a global gathering of spiritual leaders who came together from around the world to pray for the Earth, at the Unify Global Unity Meditation on April 4th, 2020. Share this gift with your loved ones, friends and communities and integrate it into your daily practice in order to spread love and light to all.

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Coronavirus: Protecting Yourself in a Perfect Storm

Coronavirus: Protecting Yourself in a Perfect Storm

March 13, 2020

During this time of uncertainty, our number one priority is the health and safety of all the members of our beloved community. Beyond closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we are taking active measures to make sure you develop a protective daily practice. Your health and safety are our utmost concern. We want you to know that we are here for you and will continue to support you with vital information and ancient, time-proven self-healing techniques to safeguard your wellbeing and that of your loved ones throughout the course of this global pandemic.

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Vital Remedies for Virus Protection

Vital Remedies for Virus Protection

March 07, 2020

We are grateful to share with you a special selection of powerful time-proven and practical health techniques, remedies, breath practices and meditations to help keep your body and respiratory system resilient and healthy in order to strengthen you against the Coronavirus and other airborne illnesses. The ultimate key to healing and health is to live in a way that makes the body an unfavorable place for the spread of disease. The following Health Tools are not meant to replace medical advice, but rather to provide you with ancient yet timeless wisdom known to support your body’s innate self-healing mechanism.

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Divine Mind - Metaphysical Formula for Healing and Abundance

February 26, 2020

A Metaphysical Method for Achieving Your Dreams

Embracing the belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God allows us to become receptive to the abundance of the universe. The Divine Mind metaphysical formula gradually awakens our consciousness the same way the buds of the flower of our life break open in the spring in order to blossom and bear fruit. A true mystic always has a thankful heart because thankfulness and gratefulness keep us connected to the source of our unlimited supply.

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The Divine Mind Formula <br>from Dr. Levry

The Divine Mind Formula
from Dr. Levry

February 12, 2020

We are surrounded by a receptive infinite intelligence which receives the impressions of our thoughts and words, which are expressed thoughts, and acts  upon them.  We must plant an idea in the divine mind of this receptive infinite intelligence; then it becomes a law which must go forth. This newsletter features three Divine Mind Formula real life miracle testimonials. 

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The First 32 Days of 2020 from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

The First 32 Days of 2020 from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

January 09, 2020

There is great power in beginnings. Everything we do at the beginning of the year, especially the first 12 and 32 days, will determine what kind of year we have. Both what we do, and how we work with the constructive forces of the universe at this time is extremely important. There is a practical and universal wisdom contained in the ancient Gnostic symbol known as the Tree of Life, which serves as a mathematical spiritual code, through which we can learn the greater significance of the number 32.

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Healing Emotional Trauma for a Healthy and Happy Life <br>from Dr. Levry

Healing Emotional Trauma for a Healthy and Happy Life
from Dr. Levry

January 03, 2020

Today, more than ever, people are looking for something to fill the emptiness inside their hearts. Harmonyum Healing is one of the rare spiritual systems that can restore our relationship what is missing. Removing trauma at the root, is the only way to permanently remove it. By working on the spine, Harmonyum Healing allows us to access these old traumatic emotional patterns and release limiting programming from our life. 

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The Magnetic Power of Breath

December 15, 2019

Health, the greatest gift of life, largely depends on magnetism and magnetism is connected to your breath. If you don’t breathe fully, deeply and rhythmically you cannot be magnetic; ultimately you cannot be mentally, emotionally or physically well. The nervous system is the main battery of the human body. When our nervous system is weak, our battery stops working properly. Through deep, rhythmic breathing we attract from the universe nourishment in the form of oxygen, life and intelligence, power and radiance for the nervous system, so that it may work perfectly. 

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