Boosting Immunity, Developing Brain Power and Bringing Prosperity with Sat Nam Wahe Guru

April 01, 2015

Medical science is beginning to prove what yogis and mystics have known for centuries, which is that people who breathe slower are on the whole healthier than those who breathe more rapidly. According to yogic science, when the number of breaths per minutes decreases, the length of our life increases. Those who breathe slowly, deeply and consciously become magnetic, healthy and successful. Most rich and happy people do not have shallow breathing patterns. Meditating with the REVITALIZING SAT NAM WAHE GURU track, from the new Pranic Power CD, reduces our breath count to less than two breaths a minute, thereby activating the pituitary and pineal glands, so that we may be blessed by God. Furthermore, by breathing less than two breaths per minute you can experience all the benefits medical research has found associated with deep, slow breathing. Indeed, reducing your breathing to less than two breaths a minute can be one of the most effective methods of relieving you from mental and/or physical suffering. This way of breathing allows us to become a reservoir of vital power that can be used in the service of our spiritual growth and development. Yogis and Kabbalistis have long ensured the health and harmony of their physical and spiritual bodies by devoting themselves to the practice of refining their own breathing patterns, for they uncovered this to be the secret of health, longevity and good luck. Meditating along with the REVITALIZING SAT NAM WAHE GURU track guides your body to breathe consciously, slowly and deeply in order to connect to the blessings that God has hidden in the air surrounding us. By meditating along with this powerful track, our breathing pattern automatically becomes attuned to a healing, harmonizing and life‐prolonging rhythm. Indeed, this meditation allows us to synchronize our energy with the healing rhythm of nature, so that our Spirit and physical body may be strengthened.

The mantra SAT NAM WAHE GURU helps us find the grace within and carries us beyond our limitations. Vibrating SAT NAM causes the Spirit of God, our Inner Self, to come down from Heaven, in order to awaken our inner fires, or electric forces, which are the forces of the Shekinah. (The Sss sound of the SAT NAM is the electric force called Shakti, the Shekinah in us.) By Vibrating SAT NAM with our navel, we are working with our willpower, and that is the beginning of the creation of the mystical Moses inside of us. WAHE GURU causes us to connect with the Divine Love and profound energy that flows through the universe and through each of us. WAHE GURU gives us an awareness of the connection between the divinity within each of us and the greater infinite Divinity.

Learn to breathe slowly, deeply and consciously to connect with God and reestablish the harmony within and around you. This form of breathing allows you to absorb the vital flow of energy, which comes down from the higher world, so that you may connect with and abide by the healing and beneficial Laws of God. When a person becomes sick, the rate of their breathing increases. Those who are suffering from any form of healing crisis, disease or distress should reduce their breath to less than two breaths per minute for a minimum of 30 minutes, twice a day. Breath can be used as an essential means for effecting a complete physical cure. By working with the breath while vibrating SAT NAM WAHE GURU we are connecting to the deep forces of creation that allow us to easily ally ourselves with God’s healing power.  

Practice this SAT NAM WAHE GURU meditation so as to remove any weaknesses in the body and mind, to strengthen your essence, so that there is no cavity, no crack, no broken gate or door, where any darkness can penetrate and infiltrate your life. Breathe deeply and allow your mind and heart to clear, and use the power of your will to focus on the things that are positive and healing. With this meditation, when we inhale, a lot of energy goes into the sympathetic nervous system. When we exhale, this energy reaches our parasympathetic nervous system. As a result, more energy is concentrated in both nervous systems. By inhaling we are taking in supplies, by vibrating SAT NAM WAHE GURU, we are spreading them throughout the body. It is a beautiful, masterful science that can restore a human being to superhuman grade. By breathing this way in this SAT NAM WAHE GURU meditation, we can create a storehouse of energy from the universe, and unite the body and mind. Vibrating SAT NAM WAHE GURU allows the Divine to enter our being through the breath, so that God can raise you up. This practice slows your breathing so that any negative thoughts and feelings that seek to infiltrate you are deflected and put in the service of the Divine world. SAT NAM WAHE GURU causes you to breathe slowly and deeply, so that you may live with a higher, more penetrating level of consciousness. Adopt this powerful practice into your life and witness how your existence becomes naturally well‐balanced, orderly, and harmonious.

Vibrate SAT NAM WAHE GURU every morning at dawn so as to bring down blessings from above and invoke Divinity within. As the Sun rises, so too will this mantra arise and awaken your spiritual energy. Vibrate SAT NAM WAHE GURU and know that Light and consciousness are coursing through you, purifying everything. It will stimulate all the glands to secrete and mix in the blood in the right proportion, creating an elixir of health, beauty and magnetism. This meditation will penetrate your subconscious mind, so that you may tune into the universal sound current. Working with SAT NAM WAHE GURU will implant the Lord’s Name within you, bringing you unlimited blessings and tremendous spiritual growth. In the words of Guru Nanak, “If you will only center yourself on the Lord, even for just a breath, then you shall see the Lord face‐to‐face, present before you.”



This meditation is excellent for anyone with chronic immune system conditions and/or allergies. It will boost your immune system so that nothing can penetrate your defenses. For those suffering from chronic immunity issues, this meditation is a life‐saver. Devote yourself to practicing it twice a day for 31 minutes and enjoy a much healthier, freer way of life.  

Posture: Sit calmly and comfortably in easy pose, or in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Keep the spine straight, and have a slight neck lock (Jalandhar Bandh).

Focus: The eyes are closed, looking upwards into the third eye point or slightly open looking at the tip of the nose.

Breath: Inhale in eight segmented breaths and vibrate the mantra seven times on the exhale.

Mantra: SAT NAM WAHE GURU (7x per breath)

Mudra: Sit in a comfortable meditative position. Make a fist with your left hand with the thumb on top. Wrap the right fingers around the left fist, and cross the right thumb over the left.

Time: Continue for 11 minutes minimum, working up to 31 minutes.

Precaution: Apply root lock when you vibrate the mantra on the exhale. (If you are pregnant or menstruating, do not perform root lock.)   

End: Inhale, hold the breath for 5‐10 seconds, exhale and shake the body vigorously. Relax.


With this meditation you can develop your brain power, improve your health and bring prosperity. The more you practice it the more access you will receive to your mental capacity. It will dissolve barriers to your genius causing you to become more and more brilliant. It will increase the speed of your thoughts, improve your memory and cause your neural network to work at higher and higher levels.  

Posture: Sit calmly and comfortably in easy pose, or in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Keep the spine straight, and have a slight neck lock (Jalandhar Bandh).

Focus: The eyes are closed, looking upwards into the third eye point or slightly open looking at the tip of the nose.

Breath: Inhale in eight segmented breaths and vibrate the mantra seven times on the exhale.

Mantra: SAT NAM WAHE GURU (7x per breath)

Mudra:  Surbhi mudra. Bring both hands in front of the navel, elbows relaxed. Touch the index fingertip of each hand to the middle finger of the other. The ring finger of each hand touches the pinkie of the other. All of the fingers are relatively straight and only the tips of the fingers touch. The thumbs point straight up. Time: Continue for 11 minutes minimum, working up to 31 minutes. Precaution: Apply root lock when you vibrate the mantra on the exhale. (If you are pregnant or menstruating, do not perform root lock.)   

End: Inhale, hold the breath for 5‐10 seconds, exhale and shake the body vigorously. Relax.                                                 


Use this powerful meditation to recharge your batteries and strengthen your pranic force, so that you may be inspired, healed and move forward. This practice will make space for new beginnings. By destroying something that holds you back, Shiva creates the preconditions for something new to be built in your life. This meditation is also useful when you are experiencing exhaustion, dissatisfaction and depression. You can practice this meditation when you are feeling drained because of long periods of tension or strain. This is a special “omni‐panacea” meditation that will send energy to any part of the body that needs to heal (even if you are not conscious of this need) and provide you with the remedy you need.  

Posture: Sit calmly and comfortably in easy pose, or in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Keep the spine straight, and have a slight neck lock (Jalandhar Bandh).

Focus: The eyes are closed, looking upwards into the third eye point or slightly open looking at the tip of the nose.

Breath: Inhale in eight segmented breaths and vibrate the mantra seven times on the exhale. Mantra: SAT NAM WAHE GURU (7x per breath)

Mudra:  Shiva linga mudra. Place your right hand, with your thumb extended upward, on top of your left hand which is shaped like a bowl. Your hands should rest at the level of your abdomen, with your elbows pointing outward and slightly forward.

Time: Continue for 11 minutes minimum, working up to 31 minutes.

Precaution: Apply root lock when you vibrate the mantra on the exhale. (If you are pregnant or menstruating, do not perform root lock.)   

End: Inhale, hold the breath for 5‐10 seconds, exhale and shake the body vigorously. Relax.

To learn more about Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, visit

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