February 05, 2005
My dear one, working with The Seal of Higher Destiny will bring the radiance of the Sun into your heart and the vastness of the universe into your soul. The yoga of Naam is the highest method of contact with God, which causes the soul to engage in a beautiful union with spirit as it attains indescribable bliss. It projects the mind beyond the realm of everyday, earthly consciousness into the infinity of the cosmos, thereby increasing your sense of personal relatedness to the infinite identity.
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February 01, 2005
The Seal of Higher Destiny was inspired by a spiritual and mysterious encounter I had in India. If you desire to stop the cycle of time and be liberated from the loop of life and death, this is the Naam for you. Working with The Seal of Higher Destiny will bring the radiance of the Sun into your heart and the vastness of the universe into your soul. The yoga of Naam is the highest method of contact with God, which causes the soul to engage in a beautiful union with spirit as it attains indescribable bliss.
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January 01, 2005
God, who created all things, in order that they may be submitted unto the will of Man, has included mankind in his project to bring his works to perfection by making Man participate in His Divine and Terrestrial work. Since the Fall of Adam and Eve, Man has a gross and terrestrial body, while his soul is spiritual and celestial.
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January 01, 2005
In love, in peace, and in light we are sending you this fascinating communication so that it may soothe your heart and bring you the light of hope. May the bright Sun of Heaven shine its healing and protective rays on the children of the world, our guardians of the future. God, who created all things, in order that they may be submitted unto the will of Man (humankind), has included humanity in his project to bring his works to perfection by making humankind participate in His Divine and Terrestrial work.
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November 01, 2004
Each of us can help to make this world a better, happier, more spiritual place. Each of us can send good thoughts out into the universe, and strive to see the best in our fellow man. When we do so, our own spirituality is increased, and the positive energy we create is returned a hundred fold. One way to achieve this is by working with the prayer of Love, Peace, and Light.
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October 17, 2004
We are all interconnected throughout the universe. We often act as if we are separate from one another; in fact, we are representations of a greater whole, a manifestation of a law of the universe that binds us to one another. When we pray, we ask to be connected to the Creator and his universal plan, linking us in harmony to all other living beings.
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October 01, 2004
We are all interconnected throughout the universe. We often act as if we are separate from one another; in fact, we are representations of a greater whole, a manifestation of a law of the universe that binds us to one another. When we pray, we ask to be connected to the Creator and his universal plan, linking us in harmony to all other living beings. This is why we highly recommend that you take the time to connect with your heart and pray for the world so that the outcome of this election may create a greater platform for peace and more healing in the world.
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September 01, 2004
At different points in human history, the Heavens have undertaken the task of re-positioning themselves in order to awaken human beings from their evolutionary stupor and bring them closer to God. At these times of transition, the universal karmic clock sounds the alarm indicating that all is not right with the world. The last four times this occurred, civilization did not heed the alarm. As a consequence, these civilizations were destroyed.
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June 01, 2004
I Am, also known as I Am That I Am is a powerful spiritual formula that establishes a connection between the chanter and the LORD God; Holy Father, Almighty and Merciful One, Who hast created all things, Who knowest all things and can do all things, from Whom nothing is hidden, to Whom nothing is impossible.
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May 01, 2004
We are currently in a terminal station for a 25,000 year period. The eight-year period to come is called "The Descent of the Clouds." During this difficult transitional time, great and lasting changes will occur in the global landscape. Therefore, the time has come for me to share knowledge of what may lie ahead so that you are able to interpret the global circumstances that arise with clarity.
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December 01, 2003
As we move into the New Year, it is important to synchronize our energy with the longitude and latitude of time and space. The moon is waxing from December 23, 2003 to January 6, 2004. This is a critical time that can directly influence every aspect of your life for the year to come. Both what you do, and how you work with the constructive forces of the universe will be extremely important.
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