Spiritual Ritual for the Lion's Gate Portal and 10 more...

August 03, 2022

Spiritual Ritual for the Lion's Gate Portal and 10 more...

Precious Mystical Formula - 11 Guided Applications

from Dr. Levry

What is the Precious Mystical Formula?

Hand crafted in small batches according to ancient and mystical law, this auspicious formula presents a combination of blessed salts infused with secret and rare ingredients, giving it the ability to remove negative energies, wandering spirits and all unwanted vibrations from the environment. In this communication we will highlight 11 applications of this formula, including one of its mysterious ingredients: a rare black seed that contains a mighty protective power.

No negative energy or disturbance can cross the boundaries of a space where this formula is present. It brings protection, harmony and peace into the home, workplace or any environment in need of spiritual clearing. Any place you spend a lot of time in, just by virtue of your being in that space, becomes an extension of your aura. This is especially true for your altar or meditation space, since this is the place where you create and project. Your environment is your power. Your environment is an extension of you. Therefore, you cannot be happy if your environment does not have good energy. The Mystical Formula’s benefits are not limited to time and space. Even if your office is primarily used for internet communication, email, video meetings and/or teleconferencing, having this formula applied in your place of work (as in application #4) will still extend its powerful and beneficial energy through your aura. It neutralizes negative intentions or ill will to create a safe and peaceful atmosphere. In matters of frequent quarreling, this formula will appease the situation and bring harmony to one's relationship and home life. Your environment is linked to your health. In places of recovery, it will accelerate healing. This formula changes the energy of your environment, making it divine. It is so powerful that just having it in your home will take away the stresses of the day as soon as you walk through the door. It can even be used in cases of hauntings.

Precious Mystical Formula is available for order here.

The power of belief and how to get the most out of these applications…

Before you apply the Mystical Formula, make sure that you have confidence, belief, trust and faith. The ritual will work for you as it has worked for others, because of the Divine power which you have inside yourself. 

Please keep in mind it is our spoken word and our belief that matters most. We are energy. Our spoken words go before us, after us, and with us. Our spoken words go in the spiritual realm for us. Our spoken words are power. The desired result will come as fast as your belief and trust. Whatever we are doing in life, we need to attach belief to it. Then, these rituals will work for you as they have worked for others. The reason we are suffering is because we do not believe and because of poor spiritual hygiene.

Application Highlights 

This is a small sampling of the many uses of the Mystical Formula. It is no way meant to be an exhaustive list. More will be revealed about this rare formula in time.


  1. How to protect yourself from negative energy, bad spirits and people with negative intentions towards you

Take 3 or 7 of the black grains and gently chew them, to release the divine power in the grains. (Do not swallow them.). Blow the grains into your hands and rub your entire body with the grains. As you do this, make your wish for protection, for example  “God my Lord, guard me with your white light, protect me with your diamond walls.”  When you are finished, go about your day.


  1. How to increase your chance of success, every day

Upon waking, take three of the black grains and gently chew them as you speak your wishes for the day, for example “I am happy and grateful that everything I do today succeeds and prospers. I welcome miracles into my life now and it feels wonderful.” When you are done chewing the grains, release the grains into nature. All of nature will start to work on your wishes and precede you in your day.


  1. Lion’s Gate Portal Ritual: a mystical rinse to break through things that are holding you back

The following application, used in conjunction with the Lion’s Gate Portal will help you harness this auspicious portal for healing, creativity and manifestation.

Soak 1 teaspoon of the Mystical Formula in a bowl of water at night. Make sure there are 7 black grains in the water.

The next morning immediately after you shower, rinse your body from head to toe with the bowl of water from the previous night. As you rinse, command the water to purify your life of all negativity and obstacles and open you to receiving blessings and make your wishes. Do not dry off. Allow your body to air dry. Dispose of the grains after each rinse. Do this for 1 or 3 consecutive nights/days.


  1. How to bring harmony in your altar, meditation space or work environment

Place one teaspoon of the mystical salt in each of 4 small dipping bowls, 1 bowl for each corner of the work space. Make sure there are either 3 or 7 of the black grains present in each of the 4 bowls. Change the salt out once a month.


  1. How to have a good night’s sleep when you travel

Place a teaspoon of the Mystical Formula in a breathable fabric pouch. Make sure there are 7 black grains mixed in with the white grains of salt. Keep this breathable pouch in your pillowcase or on the bed while you sleep. Dispose of the salt after one month of use.


  1. How to reduce arguments and restore peace between you and your partner

Put 1 teaspoon of the salt and grain mixture (include 3 or 7 black grains) in water for 3 days and take the water to mop the floor in your home. Alternatively, you can put the water in a spray bottle and spray the rooms in your home.


  1. How to help your baby or child sleep peacefully at night

Interestingly, this formula can be of great benefit to newborns that have difficulty sleeping at night. Up until five years of age, children are still closely connected to the other side and can sense these energies more distinctly than adults. If a newborn cries throughout the night or is not able to fall asleep easily, it is recommended to place the formula in a little pouch just under the pillow or mattress, or lightly spread it in the four corners of the baby's crib. Take one teaspoon of the Mystical Formula and put it in a small 1-2 inch breathable fabric pouch. Make sure there are 7 black grains included. Place this pouch safely near your baby or child, or in the crib/bed where they sleep. Change it out monthly.


  1. How to keep negative energy and enemies away from you

Take 7 of the black grains, and command them to protect you from any negative energy and any enemies. Place them in your wallet, your purse, or inside of your pocket. They will shield you against all forms of undesirable energies. Change these black grains out at least once a month or more, depending on your circumstances.


  1. How to reduce fighting in your family

Place the mystical salt mixture in the 4 corners of the room where arguments tend to occur, or place 1 teaspoon of the salt and grain mixture in the corner of every room in the home. Make sure there are either 3 or 7 of the dark grains mixed with each teaspoon of the formula.


  1. How to bring love and peace into your romantic relationship

Mix a teaspoon of Mystical Formula with  water, and add some white rose oil or rose perfume. Spray this formula in your home.


  1. How to create a divine environment for where you meditate and where you teach

Place the mystical salt mixture in the 4 corners of the space where you meditate and where you teach. Make sure there are either 3 or 7 of the dark grains mixed with each teaspoon of the formula.

IMPORTANT: With the exception of application #2, (How to increase your chance of success), please dispose of the grains after use by placing them in the trash outside of your home.

Precious Mystical Formula is available for order here.

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