Divine Mind - Metaphysical Formula for Healing and Abundance

February 26, 2020 1 Comment

A Metaphysical Method for Achieving Your Dreams

Embracing the belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God allows us to become receptive to the abundance of the universe. The Divine Mind metaphysical formula gradually awakens our consciousness the same way the buds of the flower of our life break open in the spring in order to blossom and bear fruit.

A true mystic always has a thankful heart because thankfulness and gratefulness keep us connected to the source of our unlimited supply. It causes the Divine to become our unfailing and permanent source. 

A life without thankfulness is a like a garden without flowers. The life of an ungrateful person is like a tree without fruit. That which you are thankful for grows and produces fruit. Any blessing you aren't grateful for, will leave your life. When you are thankful, even for illnesses or challenges, they will eventually be resolved. When you are not thankful, they will increase. Every challenge is a teacher with a message for you. Be thankful for the good that the Creator already gave you and you will be blessed with even more goodness.

Wealth starts with being grateful. Unknown to most there are many forms of wealth. Money is only one kind of wealth. Money gives you freedom of choice, but it does not open your heart, or make you a better human being. We can possess the whole world but still be unhappy and unfulfilled, because we are neglecting the need of our heart, soul, and spirit. Our heart, soul, and spirit grow weak and sick because we are so busy giving our physical body the comfort and pleasure it demands. 

Some people misuse their body and work so hard to acquire money and material possessions in order to satisfy the demands of their physical body, just to one day turn around and spend all that money they acquired to take care of their health and pay large hospital bills because they got sick in the process. Then they die, are put into a wooden box, buried, and become breakfast, lunch and dinner for the earth worms. Is that the purpose of our life?

Health is the greatest wealth. Without health we have nothing. There are higher forms of wealth such as divine love, divine wisdom, divine truth, all of which are heavenly wealth that is far more valuable and lasting than what we can see before our eyes. All mental, emotional and physical imbalances in the world are a result of humans neglecting and moving away from their heart, soul and spirit. 

We need to open our lives to as many types of wealth as possible. By focusing only on one form of wealth we impose limitations on ourselves, closing the door on other sources of wealth. True wealth or prosperity begins with our thoughts. It begins with identifying ourselves with the spirit of abundance. We can develop a consciousness that allows us to tap into additional channels of wealth and abundance. We should allow abundance to flow into our lives from many different sources. 

True wealth is having good health and peace of mind, a beautiful relationship with your family and loved ones, and free time that you can dedicate to self-knowledge and self-mastery. You can then improve yourself and in turn, improve humankind. You can also dedicate time for the knowledge of the laws of nature so that you may honor them.  Without love and inner peace, you can have all the money in the world, but you will be miserable. 

When we circulate the non-material and material wealth that we have, abundance automatically flows into our lives. We circulate wealth by sharing and giving to others. This can be material giving or spiritual giving. Therefore we are blessed when we bless and pray for others.

When you work with the Divine Mind recording, by listening to it and speaking it audibly, you are developing the consistent practice of being grateful, giving thanks and blessing others, which will create an inflow on the spiritual plane, that will eventually manifest on the material plane as well. In other words giving thanks, and blessing others with the right attitude or feeling activates the law of circulation, and in turn the law of circulation will bring us an increasing inflow of every kind of non-material and material good. This practice allows us to expand our own life, while causing us to expand the lives of others. By giving liberally, both non-material and material riches, we increase the flow of the spirit of abundance.

We are centers of Divine operation, centers of distribution of wealth, success, health, joy, love, happiness, harmony, protection, abundance and prosperity. It is by assuming the feeling that we are already full of grace, light, and are wealthy that we come to embody these qualities.

By working with the Divine Mind recording, you are using scriptural and divine spiritual statements of truth that allow you to no longer be a victim of the world around you, but rather to become the powerful co-creator that you are meant to be, who can generate the personal life and true self-expression you would love to live and be. We can change ourselves, even on a cellular level, through changing our beliefs and our emotional state, which is nothing other than our vibrational frequency. By speaking these high frequency Divine truths, we begin to feel like we already have that which we are thanking God for. Our frequency changes and as a result, through the power of the word, which is the power of the Creator in you, you rise in consciousness and are able to direct the forces of nature to fulfill your prayers.

Learn more about Dr. Joseph Michael Levry at josephmichaellevry.com

1 Response

mark elliott
mark elliott

March 13, 2020

life changing

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