$15.00 USD
The ultimate Naam on this CD will cause Light and consciousness to course through your being, purifying everything. It will tune you in to the universal sound current that vibrates within all of life and awaken your spiritual energy so that you may feel the pulse of the Divine in your heart and mind. Working with this CD will bring you back to your center, the core essence of your inner self, so that you can see and go beyond your limitations and allow a blessed, fulfilling life to unfold before you with grace. This powerful and deeply healing CD bestows the gift of moving you from the grip of fate to your highest, most sublime Destiny.
Track Listing
1 Aura Cleansing Ganputi 11:02
2 Revitalizing Sat Nam Wahe Guru 15:54
3 Heavenly Prayer of Light 10:40
4 Bonus Track: Aura Cleansing Ganputi Instrumental 11:02
Shakti Ganputi - Sa Ta Na Ma Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung
This mantra brings you to your center and bestows clarity that stems from letting go of your attachments. It is linked to samskaras, karma and dharam. It will take away all negative karmas you carry from past lives and have to pay for now, as well as the karma you create from what you do in your daily life. The suffering or happiness we currently experience is due to past debt or credit. This mantra clears the way for dharam - what good you do today will be rewarded tomorrow.
Revitalizing Sat Nam WaHe Guru (7x)
SAT NAM WAHE GURU helps you find the grace within and inspires you to see beyond your limited concepts so that you may live the blessed life your inner self has destined for you. Vibrating SAT NAM causes the Spirit of God, our inner self, to come down from Heaven in order to awaken our Shakti force, the Shekinah in us. (The Sss sound of Sat Naam is the vibration of the inner fire, the electric force called Shakti.) By working with this track, the mantra SAT NAM can be caused to continuously throb and pulsate in the subconscious, so that in every twenty-four hour period the breath and the heart can repeat this mantra 21,600 times. This mantra will penetrate your subconscious mind, so that you may tune into the universal sound current. Apply root lock when you chant the mantra. By Vibrating SAT NAM with our navel, we are working with our willpower. WAHE GURU charges the pituitary and pineal glands, residing in the middle of the brain, with Light. When these two glands interchange their auric light, we become clairvoyant and are able to perceive the marvels of the higher world. This is why WAHE GURU is called a third eye mantra. WAHE GURU causes us to connect with the Divine Love and profound healing energy that flows through the universe, and through each of us. It gives us an awareness of the connection between the Divinity within and the greater infinite Divinity. Vibrate SAT NAM WAHE GURU and you will conquer the visible and invisible worlds.
This highly therapeutic and revitalizing track is a great defense against all types of allergies and is an excellent practice during the changes in the seasons. When one vibrates SAT NAM WAHE GURU seven times per breath they will hardly ever get sick. It boosts the immune system and strengthens the nervous system. It is a highly beneficial food for the brain and a great help to students or anyone that needs their mind to function quickly and efficiently under stress. Working with this recording of the mantra will place a spiritual armor around your nerves so that you can resist high stress environments. When you work with SAT NAM WAHE GURU, you will stimulate all the glands to secrete so that the resulting youth-giving elixir can be mixed in your blood. Working with SAT NAM WAHE GURU will cause you to digest prana so that it can be absorbed into every one of your cells.
Vibrate SAT NAM WAHE GURU, and know that Light and consciousness are coursing through you, purifying everything. Vibrate SAT NAM WAHE GURU every morning so as to bring down the blessings from above and invoke the Divinity within. As the light of the Sun rises, so too will this mantra arise and awaken your spiritual energy. Working with SAT NAM WAHE GURU will implant the Lord’s Name within you, bestowing immeasurable blessings and tremendous spiritual growth.
Heavenly Prayer of Light
The Prayer of Love, Peace and Light, is perhaps the most profound blessing you can use for yourself and others. It has been empowered in the collective psyche. As a result, reciting it will both nurture your psychic body and allow you to commune with the higher forces of nature in a selfless way. It can be done by itself or as a closure to your yoga and meditation sessions. Another way is to recite this prayer after your spiritual practice, to increase its potency.
Love before me
Love behind me
Love at my left
Love at my right
Love above me
Love below me
Love unto me
Love in my surroundings
Love to all
Love to the Universe
Peace before me
Peace behind me
Peace at my left
Peace at my right
Peace above me
Peace below me
Peace unto me
Peace in my surroundings
Peace to all
Peace to the Universe
Light before me
Light behind me
Light at my left
Light at my right
Light above me
Light below me
Light unto me
Light in my surroundings
Light to all
Light to the Universe
$30.00 USD
This album is a higher medicine for the mind. This 2-CD set features 9 ALL NEW tracks! Every mantra is done in a continuous cycle repeated for a total of...
$15.00 USD
Music feeds the fire of the heart, causing it to light up the soul. Spiritual music, that creates the healing alchemy in the heart, is a precise and divine science from the higher world, mastered by only a few mystics because it must be created in accordance with certain deeper spiritual laws, so that it may directly speak to our higher self in order to awaken us. Sacred music should be created to connect us with the world of absolute reality. Before producing sacred music that heals the soul, it is important to attune to the higher world, in order to bring into one's consciousness the energetic blueprint of the music to be recorded. As a result, those who listen to it will automatically be connected to the divine force that lies within. Furthermore, sacred music can be recorded in such a way as to activate and purify our spiritual centers, so that we may be transported to the celestial realms.
The root cause of all physical and mental diseases is the burden on the soul of the negative karmic influences we brought with us from previous lives. This is what affects our mental and physical health, and creates havoc in our lives. The truth is, in order to heal anyone permanently, we need to heal the soul. This can be achieved by the power of the Supreme soul, Manifested in the Holy Naam. Healing the human soul through the Supreme Soul via the Holy Naam, is one of the highest forms of permanent healing..
Track Listing
1 Hari Ohm Transformation 11:01
2 Soulful Ram 11:03
3 Healing Hari Hari Har 11:06
Bonus: Shakti Rising (Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru) 11:00
1 Hari Ohm Transformation
Hari Ohm will raise your positive vibration. It gets rid of darkness and fights negative thinking. Hari means ‘the remover’. Om is the primordial cosmic vibration from which sprang the entire cosmos and all creation. Hari Ohm is a universal mantra that removes pain and suffering. The healing force of this age is embedded in this sound vibration. By listening to it continuously it will fight all manner of challenges, including health problems. It will help you prevail in the midst of trouble and/or disease. Meditating with Hari Ohm circulates the prana throughout the whole body, washing away blocks and negativity. Through Hari Ohm we can activate the chakras and move the life force from one energy center to the next. It will be your best friend when you find yourself in difficult astrological cycles, or even during mercury retrograde.
Hari Ohm is known as a healing mantra because it brings the student back to God. It is through that state of Oneness that all distinctions and forms of separation, or duality, which manifest in the form of disease and disharmony, are burned away. Those who vibrate this sweet and profound sound will radiate the Light and Glory of Heaven from their being.
2 Soulful Ram
This sweet recording of the mantra Ram (rÃm) will open the heart and let the light within shine. Ram is the symbol of our higher or soul consciousness. It activates the purifying fire within, burning away every negative vibration from our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. To put it simply, vibrating Ram, the king of all bij mantras, will positively change your life forever. Ram is the mantra of miracles that will remove the barriers between you and your higher self. Ram is like the guardian angel that keeps all destructive forces away. It attracts the creativity and blessings of the entire Universe and beckons them to rush to your aid, elevating and uplifting every area of your life that is in need of energy.
3 Healing Hari Hari Har
Hari Hari Har creates the energy of expansion, abundance and spirituality in the aura, while opening the heart and nourishing your whole being with the light of harmony. Chanting and/or listening to this mantra will heal a broken heart by washing away the pain and sadness of the past. It helps to balance your emotions and assists you in your love and family life. Therefore, it can help you attract a fulfilling relationship. This precise combination of sacred words will attract prosperity. The more consistently you work with it the more abundance you will have.
Bonus: Shakti Rising (Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru)
Meditating along with this track will improve your self-esteem, remove stress and bring success into everything you do. A steady practice will ensure you fulfill your destiny and your life's true purpose.
$30.00 USD
This 2-CD set features 6 ALL NEW tracks! The first 3 tracks focus on your health and are a complete morning practice designed to give you lasting energy, mental clarity and emotional...
$15.00 USD
Anahata Naad refers to the Vedic concept of the unstruck sound, the sound of the celestial realm. The heart center, which stands for love and compassion, is where heaven and Earth meet. In order to understand this life, you must understand that Naam is a gift from God and the life-line that will save you during this Dark Age, also known as Kali Yug. The unprecedented accessibility of Naam in this Age of Kali is also the reason why so many highly evolved souls have chosen to be reborn during our time. Through the gift of Naam, we are able to experience rapid enlightenment and bypass hundreds of years of meditation. Indeed, if the world truly became aware of this incredibly rare opportunity to vibrate Naam, the vast majority of souls would become enlightened within a single lifetime.
Track Listing
1 Hari Ohm I Am 11:26
2 Ra Ma 11:01
3 Hariang 12:36
4 Sat Nam Har Haree Remix 11:02
1 Hari Ohm I Am
Indeed, the saving grace and special spiritual quality of the Age of Darkness is that by simply chanting a Name of God, like Hari Ohm, one can unveil their true spiritual being. The mantra Hari Ohm has been recorded on this, the 33rd CD, because vibrating it leads to self-realization, which is freedom. Freedom, from the darkness of ignorance and negative thinking. Hari Ohm is known as a healing mantra because it brings the student back to God. It is through that state of Oneness that all distinctions and forms of separation, or duality, which manifest in the form of disease and disharmony, are burned away. Those who vibrate this sweet and profound sound will radiate the Light and Glory of Heaven from their being.
The 2nd track is devoted to RAMA, also a name of God, which translates to "He who fills us with abiding joy." Like Hari Ohm, RAMA is an extremely valuable protective and healing mantra that can transform those who echo its powerful sound into true spiritual masters. The positive vibration generated by this mighty sound current has strengthened and protected people for thousands upon thousands of years. RAMA should be used by people who practice healing work, especially when you feel your energy is depleted. By simply chanting along with the 2nd track you will feel your physical energy and health being replenished. RAMA will give you a strong auric field.
When you chant RAMA, pull the navel in at RA and release at MA. It will eradicate negative energy from your aura, while giving you the ability to feel, see, sense and know, through your spiritual abilities, what others do not yet know or understand. You will gain what humanity has lost; the capacity to carry faith inside your heart. RAMA will set about the forces that are needed to begin the transition that will lead the Earth back into Light.
3 Hariang
Hariang, which is the name of God that obliterates blocks in our subconscious mind. Within the mantra Hariang, we have two sounds Hari, and Yang. Yang is the bij mantra of the heart, and it is usually written as Yam. Yang works on the heart center, removing any blockages or obstruction in the flow of energy in the cardiac region. By vibrating Hariang we are working with Yang, causing the second knot, known as the Vishnu Granthi, to be unlocked and our energy to start flowing upwards, bringing true knowledge and understanding into our consciousness. Sometimes we want to do something but simultaneously hold ourselves back. We take one step forward and two steps back. We justify our reservations to pursue our dreams with the keenest of logical reasoning and, in so doing, persuade ourselves to leave our destiny behind. Hariang is that mantra that will melt away the "reasons" that prevent us from pursuing our dreams. It will bring you into the flow of success and move you into the current of positive change. Even those who have never achieved or had success at anything up to now will find themselves awarded every opportunity. When you work with this mantra you will continuously rise from one success to the next. Why? Because Hariang will cause you to confront all your fears, insecurities, doubts and attachments so that you may break free from them and live your highest most Divine Destiny. It works.
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