$15.00 USD
Triple Mantra clears all types of psychic and physical obstacles in one's daily life. It is a sure protector against car, plane and other accidents. It cuts through all opposing vibrations, thoughts, words and actions. Listening to or chanting Triple Mantra will strengthen your magnetic field and keep negativity away.
Track Listing
1 Triple Mantra 11:00
2 ONG Instrumental Version 5:16
3 Triple Mantra (extended) 31:09
The first part of Triple Mantra will surround you with a powerful light of protection, the second part will remove obstacles from your spiritual path and the third part will remove all types of obstacles from your daily life.
Ad Guray Nameh
Jugad Guray Nameh
Sat Guray Nameh
Siri Guru Devay Nameh
Ad Such
Jugad Such
Hay-Bee Such
Nanak(a) Hosee Bee Such
Ad Such
Jugad Such
Hay-Beh Such
Nanak(a) Hosee Beh Such
$30.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Aap Sahaaee Hoaa 15:32
2 Eck Ong Kar Sat Kar Tar 11:02
3 Hari Har Trance 11:01
4 Ra Ma Da Sa Lounge 11:01
5 Purifying Light 11:04
6 Healing THO 9:38
7 IAO for Transmutation 11:02
8 Sweet Aum 10:52
9 Heart Lounge 10:47
The Naam Vibrations on this special compilation will endow you with a powerful shield of protection while bringing healing to the very core of your being. "Aap Sahaaee Hoaa Sachaa Dhaa Sachaa Doah Har Har Har" can be found in Dukh Bhanjani Sahib, a collection of shabads historically used to bring help to every imaginable distress faced by humankind. It translates as "The Lord Himself has become my protector. The Truest of the True has taken care of me. God, God, God." It means the True God has come down as the True Helper to uplift your Truth. This Naam melts negativity, enemies, and all negative vibrations. It is a complete remedy for quarrels and all kinds of disturbances at home. It is said that good fortune, protection, prosperity and great accomplishment follows all those that vibrate this Naam. By working with Aap Sahaaee Hoaa, you will receive Divine protection. Eck Ong Kar Sat Kar Tar Gur Bar Akaal instantly banishes all opposing forces from your path. It gives you the power to do what is needed for the fulfillment of your highest destiny. The powerful seed sounds recorded on the 2nd CD will heal your body, purify your mind and move your energy into the higher spiritual centers. The first track will purify your blood and make you magnetic. THO will turn your aura into a self-recharging battery of Light. Vibrating THO will bestow youth, mental power, a healthy thyroid and a beautiful and strong projection. IAO is a mystical formula which brings the wondrous creative power and Divine Cleansing Light of the cosmos! Many of the tracks in this special compilation are done in an ascending scale because disease, negativity and lower vibrations cannot stand in the presence of ascending frequencies. As you move through the frequencies in an ascending sequence, unhealthy cells begin to destabilize and create room for new cells. The human voice carries something in its vibration that makes it more powerful than any musical instrument. It contains consciousness. Science will soon discover that the practice of Naam is actually metabolized in the body, where it acts as a healer and immune system builder through the harmonic principle.
$15.00 USD
The first track, Lumen Christi (Lumen de Lumine) embodies the heavenly energy that brings life, light and freedom to all souls; it uplifts and awakens all souls to Divine Love. The origin of Lumen de Lumine dates back to the First Council of Nicea, which was ordered by the Roman Emperor Constantine I and convened from May 20 to June 19, 325 AD, making this sacred prayer 1,691 years old. Historically, we have records accounting for 250-318 bishops attending the First Council of Nicea. They convened in a closed room, locked themselves off from the world, and prayed together to understand the True Nature of God. As a result, they were enlightened, receiving the Light of the Higher World when the Eternal Father, out of his mercy and goodness, revealed Himself to them. They established what became known as the Nicene Creed, and defined the relationship between the Trinity of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit as being equally eternal aspects of the Divine. Lumen de Lumine, which is at the heart of the Nicene Creed, symbolizes what Saint John originally said in his Gospel; Lumen de Lumine is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
With Lumen de Lumine comes the solution to all difficulties. It is a Divine signature, a vibratory key that contains the Light of a billions Suns that removes all darkness from the heart and mind. Within this key lives the pattern of salvation. It invokes two of the most powerful principles in the entire Universe. Lumen de Lumine is pure love from Divine Love and pure light from Divine Light, because God is Divine Love and Divine Light. This powerful prayer instantly connects us to the Source of All Love, for God is Divine Love. Therefore, Lumen de Lumine is Love from Love. When we vibrate Lumen de Lumine karma stops for Love stops karma. There is nothing more beautiful than this simple formula for in simplicity we find Divinity.
Track Listing
1 Lumen Christi (Lumen de Lumine) 11:08
2 Ascending Sargam 11:36
3 SatgurPrasad 11:05
Lumen Christi
Lumen De Lumine creates a connection between your heart and the higher world. This form of communion is like a sweet, spiritual wine; it is a communion of the soul with the realms of light.
Ascending Sargam
The mantra Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Da Ni Sa Ta Na Ma Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung is a remedy for all imbalances of the mind. This mantra has the very rare benefit of completely revitalizing the entire brain. A daily practice of meditating with this sacred sound is one of the best therapies for the brain. It not only facilitates and encourages healthy brain function on all levels, but also, it specifically enhances one's ability to communicate effectively as it bestows the power of the spoken word. A consistent practice also improves overall health and is an excellent addition to a healthy weight loss program. This mantra moves your consciousness into the higher spiritual centers, brings harmony to your destiny and synchronizes your energy with the Cosmic.
Eck Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad Sat Gur Prasad Eck Ong Kar creates an energetic loop that merges with the aura to resolve karmic problems and challenges regardless of their origin.
$30.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Hari Ohm / RaMa Ram 11:26
2 Gayatri Mantra 11:00
3 Gurur Brahma 2:34
4 Om Kar 10:28
5 Lumen de Lumine 11:10
6 Harmonyum Om 34:16
7 Om Ah Hum 8:17
1 Hari Ohm / RaMa Ram
Hari Ohm removes all impurities responsible for grief and sickness, the absence of which restores the body and mind to optimal health and vigor.
2 Gayatri Mantra
There is nothing more purifying on the Earth, as well as in Heaven, than the Gayatri mantra. Reciting it will dispel all opposing influences to your destiny. The mantric prayers in this rare collection are imbued with cosmic power.
3 Gurur Brahma
4 Om Kar
5 Lumen de Lumine
Lumen De Lumine opens the heart and surrounds those who chant or listen to it with a blanket of light. Just listen to it and it will purify and strengthen your aura. Play it in a room and it will clear the energy in a short time. Go to sleep with it and you will awake revitalized. When faced with challenges, play it continuously. It will eat the darkness out of your life. It has been found to help make the transition of those who are passing away very peaceful. Lumen de Lumine is the symbol of the ineffable presence of the supreme principle. It is the mantra of physical protection against the ill will of other people. By offering Lumen de Lumine to aloved one, you are giving them the highest gift, which is light. It is a prayer of the strongest potency, which will keep misfortune away and bring peace, love and mercy into the lives of those who chant or listen to it.
6 Harmonyum Om
Lumen De Lumine opens the heart and surrounds those who chant or listen to it with a blanket of light. Just listen to it and it will purify and strengthen your aura. Play it in a room and it will clear the energy in a short time. Go to sleep with it and you will awake revitalized. When faced with challenges, play it continuously. It will eat the darkness out of your life. It has been found to help make the transition of those who are passing away very peaceful. Lumen de Lumine is the symbol of the ineffable presence of the supreme principle. It is the mantra of physical protection against the ill will of other people. By offering Lumen de Lumine to aloved one, you are giving them the highest gift, which is light. It is a prayer of the strongest potency, which will keep misfortune away and bring peace, love and mercy into the lives of those who chant or listen to it.
7 Om Ah Hum
$37.00 USD
Introducing Golden Sunrise, an unparalleled synthesis of metaphysics, sacred music, healing frequencies and the unstoppable power of the spoken word. Our thoughts and words manifest our reality, therefore what we say must be an investment. These metaphysical codes distill everyday speech into its spiritual essence, turning our prayers and heartfelt wishes into a divine talisman that attracts health, wealth and success into our life. They synchronize our conscious and subconscious mind to clear the way for us to manifest our highest destiny. The music is infused with Solfeggio frequencies to produce an unmistakably positive and healing response within the listener. Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale used in sacred music, including the well-known Gregorian Chants, and are thought to balance one's energy, keeping the body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony. The specific frequencies layered within the first two tracks were chosen for their ability to bring peace, clarity and emotional harmony.
Track Listing
1 Golden Sunrise 11:05
2 High Vibrations 11:07
3 Understanding the Power Behind these Metaphysical Codes 7:35
4 Hari Om Sunrise 10:13
The first track, and the album's namesake, is a complete metaphysical formula for health, wealth and success. Mystics have long known how to craft and sequence certain words to effortlessly command their subconscious minds. In so doing, they were able to invite the graceful flow of success and material richness into their lives. Now, this formula is available for you to bless and enrich your own life. Consistently listening to and/or affirming this formula will energize you, increase your stamina and activate your body's innate self-healing capacity. The second track will make you very magnetic, and bestow a radiant and beautiful aura. It helps bring harmony into all types of relationships, including romantic partnerships. Consistently listening to and/or affirming this metaphysical formula will invite spiritual help into your affairs and make things happen for you. The third track offers a deeper look behind the power of these recordings to help you better understand their application in your life. Track four deflects negative and disturbing astrological influences, brings purity, burns karma and blesses your life with fortune.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Eck Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad 11:03
2 Soulful Guru Ram Das 11:43
3 Sat Narayan Remix 11:00
4 RaMa Ram Ram Remix 11:03
5 Eck Ong Kar Remix 11:02
Eck Ong Kar Sat Guru Prasad Sat Guru Prasad Eck Ong Kar
This mantra translates as There is One Universal Creative Being who is found through the grace of the true Guru (the grace of the open heart, surrendering to the God in your heart.) This mantra is a priceless gift that can reverse obstacles and bestow great spiritual intuition, even when chanted just 5 times. It elevates the Self beyond duality and establishes a flow of the Spirit. When chanted with reverence, this mantra produces lasting positive effects and deflects negativity. After chanting this mantra, anything you say will be amplified and created with great force, so stay positive.
Guru Guru Wa-Hey Guru Guru Ram Das Guru
This mantra is for protection of any physical, mental or circumstantial situations. In the midst of trial and danger, this mantra can rescue you. Guru Guru Wa-Hey Guru is a Nirgun mantra, which projects the mind to the infinite source of knowledge and ecstasy. Guru Ram Das Guru is a Sirgun mantra, which represents form and calls upon the wisdom that comes as a servant of the infinite. This is the mantra of humility that brings emergency saving grace and spiritual guiding light.
For emergency saving grace, chant this mantra as often as you wish to invite grace into your life.
Sat Narayan Wa-Hey Guru Hari Narayan Sat Nam
This mantra creates internal peace allowing one to project outer peace. It gives one a clear perception of the truth. Narayan is the aspect of infinity that relates to water. Hari Narayan is creative sustenance which makes the one who chants it intuitively clear. Sat Narayan is the true sustainer. Wa-Hey Guru is indescribable wisdom. Sat Nam is true identity.
RaMa RaMa RaMa RaMa RaMa RaMa Ram Ram Ram Ram
This mantra builds confidence, attracts opportunities and clears your spiritual path. It creates a powerful energy of self trust that makes others invest in your trustworthiness. Ra Ma Ram Ram develops the attitude of prosperity that lets you sustain your projection in the midst of all the experiences that you attract. The sound RaMa balances the energy of the sun and the moon within us. The sound Ram deflects Uranus's negative, confusing and disturbing influences, prevalent during this age, while protecting and magnifying your aura. Furthermore, consistently meditating with this mantra will help you understand others better by giving you the perceptive ability to discern their moods and read their thoughts. In turn, you will become more understanding, tolerant and compassionate. Within this track, the spiritual sciences of Universal Kabbalah and Naam Yoga are woven to bring vitality and generate a continuous energy of success for those who work with it.
Eck Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahey Guru
This mantra is a golden key that helps you connect with your soul to realize that your soul is nothing but a projection of God Almighty, which is love. And that love is everywhere in your consciousness. This mantra gives you beauty, bounty, bliss and virtue. It causes you to find Purkha in you, so that you may live by Prakirti. When nature and you become one, then you become Divine, you become One.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Gobinday Har Har Har Har 10:53
2 Har Haray Haree Wahe Guru 11:50
3 Wahe Guru Wahe Jio 22:08
4 Guru Ram Das Remix 11:20
1 Gobinday Har Har Har Har
Chanting this mantra creates self-confidence and faith in the self. It balances both hemispheres of the brain and opens the third eye. Gobinday Mukanday Udaray Aparay Hariang Kariang Nirnamay Akamay translates as: Sustainer, Liberatort, Enlightener, The One Who Carries Across, Destoyer and Creator of All, Nameless One, You Who Are Free From Desire.
2 Har Haray Haree Wahe Guru
Har Haray Haree is the creative aspect of the infinite manifest in the finite. Wa-Hey Guru is indescribable wisdom. Guru is anything that brings you from darkness to light. The subtlety of the mantra Har affects the central vagus nerve. It can recreate the power of your self and your caliber. There are six beats to this mantra. Each of the six beats corresponds to the six directions in space: East, North, West, South, Earth (or depth), Akasha (or height). This mantra will surround you with an aura of prosperity and protection.
3 Wahe Guru Wahe Jio
Chanting this mantra causes a very subtle rub against the center of the palate and stimulates the 32nd meridian known in the West as the Christ Meridian and in the East as the Sattvica Buddha Bindu. Chanting it 5 to 8 times per breath not only increases your stamina, but also hels you think more clearly, perceive more honestly and act in accordance with your higher self. Wa-Hey Guru Wa-Hey Guru Wa-Hey Guru Wa-Hey Jio translates as: God, God, God, Oh my Soul. Great Beyond Description is this Wisdom. With this mantra you can rewrite your destiny.
4 Guru Ram Das Remix
This mantra is for protection of any physical, mental or circumstantial situations. In the midst of trial and danger, this mantra can rescue you. Guru Guru Wa-Hey Guru is a Nirgun mantra, which projects the mind to the infinite source of knowledge and ecstasy. Guru Ram Das Guru is a Sirgun mantra, which represents form and calls upon the wisdom that comes as a servant of the infinite. This is the mantra of humility that brings emergency saving grace and spiritual guiding light. For emergency saving grace, chant this mantra as often as you wish to invite grace into your life.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Notre Père - The Lord's Prayer 12:40
2 Invoking Har 11:02
3 Soulful Triple Mantra 11:44
1 Notre Père - The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer is not only one of the simplest, most powerful and most widely used prayers in the world, it conceals a powerful Kabbalistic formula that activates our spiritual centers and moves the hidden forces of the Universe to come to your aid.
2 Invoking Har
Har is one of the names of God; it is the creative aspect of Infinity. The subtlety of this mantra affects the central vagus nerve. It can recreate the power of your self and your caliber.
3 Soulful Triple Mantra
This mantra clears all types of psychic and physical obstacles in one's daily life. It is a sure protection against car, plane or other accidents. It cuts through all opposing vibrations, thoughts, words and actions. Listening to or chanting along with Triple Mantra will strengthen your magnetic field and keep negativity away. There are three parts to this mantra. The first part, starting with Ad Guray Nameh, will surround you with a powerful light of protection. Chanting the first part of this mantra gives you space, which means that your aura protects you by nine feet. If you are early or late by nine feet, you may not be entangled with that moment in time of a particular event. In other words, you cannot stop time, but you can gain or lose space. The second part of the mantra, starting with Ad Such, will remove obstacles from your spiritual path. The third part will remove all types of obstacles from your daily life. Prior to surgery, Chant along with the Triple Mantra CD for a minimum of 11 minutes in the morning or a maximum of 31 minutes prior to surgery. If possible, right before surgery repeat Triple Mantra audibly eleven times for the light to be with you.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram 11:01
2 Harmonic RAM 30:00
3 Kabbalistic OM 11:00
RAM (rÃm) is the symbol of our higher or soul consciousness. It activates the purifying fire within, burning away every negative vibration from our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. To put it simply, vibrating Ram, the king of all bij mantras, will positively change your life forever. Ram is the mantra of miracles that will remove the barriers between you and your higher self. Ram is like the guardian angel that keeps all destructive forces away. It attracts the creativity and blessings of the entire Universe and beckons them to rush to your aid, elevating and uplifting every area of your life that is in need of energy. The mantra found on the first track brings joy and happiness on the spot. It is said that those who vibrate it find complete fulfillment in their life.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Guru Ram Das 11:50
2 Sat Narayan 11:40
3 Mystical Ivory Coast 21:33
1 Guru Ram Das
This mantra is for protection of any physical, mental or circumstantial situations. In the midst of trial and danger, this mantra can rescue you. Guru Guru Wa-Hey Guru is a Nirgun mantra, which projects the mind to the infinite source of knowledge and ecstasy. Guru Ram Das Guru is a Sirgun mantra, which represents form and calls upon the wisdom that comes as a servant of the infinite. This is the mantra of humility that brings emergency saving grace and spiritual guiding light. For emergency saving grace, chant this mantra as often as you wish to invite grace into your life.
2 Sat Narayan
This mantra creates internal peace allowing one to project outer peace. It gives one a clear perception of the truth. Narayan is the aspect of infinity that relates to water. Hari Narayan is creative sustenance which makes the one who chants it intuitively clear. Sat Narayan is the true sustainer. Wa-Hey Guru is indescribable wisdom. Sat Nam is true identity
$15.00 USD
The sacred prayers found on this devotional compilation will connect you with your Spirit and establish a relationship between you and your higher self so that you may experience the vastness of your being. Meditating with these mantric prayers will take you to the door of Heaven; Naam will open the door.
Track Listing
1 Ong Namo 11:01
2 Ajai Alai 11:51
3 Mahan He 11:02
4 Har 11:02
5 Sarbang 11:51
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