$15.00 USD
Heart of Naam, the 37th CD from Dr. Levry, is a heartfelt and deeply soulful symphony of mantra and prayer that will liberate the very essence of your being. Featuring 4 all new tracks, these living melodies, rhythms and combination and permutation of sacred words are alive with heart opening power. They will help you access your Divine Light, enveloping you in a beautiful, bright Light that contains more joy and blessing than we can imagine. Wherever we look, we will see only boundless light. Within the unceasing, infinite radiance of this unlimited light there are no shadows.
Track Listing
1 Healing Lumen de Lumine 11:08
2 Eternal Sat Nam Wahe Guru 11:08
3 Soulful Wahe Guru 11:01
4 Oración de la Luz 10:44
Healing Lumen de Lumine
Lumen de Lumine represents the light that is the most powerful factor in Nature's creative work. Lumen de Lumine translates as Light from Light. Deum de Deo translates as God from God, whose Spirit is the bearer of complete Light. Lumen de Lumine also refers to the light that has many degrees of manifestation. There are three main kinds of light. Physical light, spiritual light and Divine light. The light we perceive in the physical world differs from the light that shines in the spiritual world, just as it differs from the light that illuminates the Divine world. Physical eyes access physical light. Spiritual vision accesses spiritual light. Divine vision accesses divine light. By working with Lumen de Lumine you can receive spiritual vision in order to perceive and comprehend spiritual light. This, in turn, opens up a boundless, marvelous world in which illumination reigns supreme.
The degree of development of all beings depends upon the quality and quantity of light they possess. A person's character, intelligence and spiritual elevation are judged according to the quality and quantity of light he/she perceives and manifests. In short, a person is known by the light of his/her life; the more radiant the light emanating from an intelligent being, the more mightily it illumines and gives meaning to life, and the higher the intelligence it brings. As we enter the hereafter, it is our level of light that reveals the kind of life we have lived. If we learn Divine Spiritual Wisdom, serve others during our time on earth, we will be enveloped with a beautiful, bright light that contains more joy and blessing than we can imagine. Wherever we look, we will see only boundless light. Within the unceasing, infinite radiance of this unlimited light there are no shadows.
Eternal Sat Nam Sat Nam Wahe Guru
Vibrate Sat Nam Wahe Guru, and know that Light and consciousness are coursing through you, purifying everything. Vibrate Sat Nam Wahe Guru every morning so as to bring down the blessings from above and invoke the Divinity within. As the light of the Sun rises, so too will this mantra arise and awaken your spiritual energy. Working with Sat Nam Wahe Guru will implant the Lord’s Name within you, bestowing immeasurable blessings and tremendous spiritual growth.
Soulful Wahe Guru
Naam is the Voice of God; the Creative impulse that brought all of Creation into being. Our soul, which is of the same essence as Naam, is attracted to the Heavenly Melodies, through which it can travel on through the higher spiritual planes. The voice is the blueprint of our soul. It has a healing aspect which goes back to feed us through the ears. Vibrating Wahe Guru every day will bestow the power of the WORD upon you. This is an incredible power, as the Word is the basic foundation of your spiritual body. Divine knowledge comes through the mastery of the Word. Remember, God spoke first and the world came into being. Therefore, everything emanates from the Word and without words, everything becomes nothing. Vibrating Wahe Guru will spiritualize your speech and bestow a projection for your words to never be forgotten. It will activate the mental condition of unconditional love.
Oración de la Luz
Amor delante de mi
Amor detrás de mi
Amor a mi izquierda
Amor a mi derecha
Amor encima de mi
Amor debajo de mi
Amor en mi
Amor en mi entorno
Amor a todos
Amor al universo
Paz delante de mi
Paz detrás de mi
Paz a mi izquierda
Paz a mi derecha
Paz encima de mi
Paz debajo de mi
Paz en mi
Paz en mi entorno
Paz a todos
Paz al universo
Luz delante de mi
Luz detrás de mi
Luz a mi izquierda
Luz a mi derecha
Luz encima de mi
Luz debajo de mi
Luz en mi
Luz en mi entorno
Luz a todos
Luz al universo.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Slow version 11:00
2 Rhythmic version 10:55
3 Extended version 31:12
The vibration of Ra Ma Da Sa cuts across time and space and brings healing. It maintains, strengthens and improves your health. It can generate beneficial energy in hospital rooms and places of recovery. It will also create a peaceful and productive environment in the workplace. Families can benefit from its harmonizing effects on the home, children and even pets. Those who chant this mantra will age in grace.
$5.00 USD
AUM is not only the universal name of the Creator, but also, it is the key to the true knowledge of self. This is the sound by which the Lord is praised. The entire essence of all the scriptures is enshrined in the word AUM.
АУМ - это не только универсальное имя Создателя, но и ключ к истинному познанию себя. Это звук, которым восхваляют Господа. Вся суть всех священных писаний заключена в слове АУМ.
Track Listing / Трек-Лист
1 Sacred AUM 10:49
AUM is not only the universal name of the Creator, but also, it is the key to the true knowledge of self. This is the sound by which the Lord is praised. The entire essence of all the scriptures is enshrined in the word AUM. Through the passage of time AUM became Amen. AUM symbolizes everything - the means and the goal of life, the world and the Truth behind it, the material and the Sacred, all forms and the Formless. The A of AUM represents the active principle of Divinity. The M represents the feminine receptive form. The U represents the union and reconciliation, the love, the fruit of the marriage between the masculine and feminine principles. In Christianity, AUM is the Father (A), the Son (U) and the Holy Spirit (M). In Hebrew Kabbalah, A stands for Shin, M stands for Mem and U stands for Aleph. In Hinduism AUM is manifested as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. AUM is the primal sound, the beginning and the end. The blueprint of all Creation is contained within it and emanates from it. By working with AUM you align your consciousness with the source of the flow of Love, Wisdom and Truth. It will expand your perception of reality beyond that which is limited to your five senses and take you to the center, the quintessence of all life. It is said that those who meditate upon AUM will witness the manifestation of God in their lives. AUM fills the mind with peace, and unlocks the door to the realization of pure consciousness. Sacred Aum is a Divinely inspired track. It will raise your consciousness and create the platform for intuitive intelligence. It is a very mystical and healing melody, designed to help you connect with the Higher World of Light. By working with AUM in this way you awaken the Divine glands and establish a direct connection with the Heavenly spheres, which in turn bestow upon you the blessing and grace from the Creator. It will open your heart, balance your aura, and bring youth and vitality to your body. Work with Sacred Aum and worship God in your heart. Let it soothe and comfort your soul as it forms the Bridge of Light from your heart to the heart of Heaven. So be it.
АУМ - это не только универсальное имя Создателя, но и ключ к истинному познанию себя. Это звук, которым восхваляют Господа. Вся суть всех священных писаний заключена в слове АУМ. По прошествии времени АУМ стал Аминь. АУМ символизирует все - средства и цель жизни, мир и стоящую за ним Истину, материальное и Священное, все формы и Бесформенное. Буква А в АУМ представляет активный принцип Божественности. Буква М представляет женскую восприимчивую форму. У представляет собой союз и примирение, любовь, плод брака мужского и женского начал. В христианстве АУМ - это Отец (A), Сын (У) и Святой Дух (M). В еврейской каббале А означает Шин, М означает Мем, а U означает Алеф. В индуизме АУМ проявляется как Брахма, Вишну и Шива. АУМ - это первичный звук, начало и конец. План всего Творения содержится в нем и исходит из него. Работая с АУМ, вы выравниваете свое сознание с источником потока Любви, Мудрости и Истины. Это расширит ваше восприятие реальности за пределы того, что ограничено вашими пятью чувствами, и перенесет вас в центр, квинтэссенцию всей жизни. Говорят, что те, кто медитирует на АУМ, станут свидетелями проявления Бога в своей жизни. АУМ наполняет ум покоем и открывает дверь к реализации чистого сознания. Sacred Aum - это вдохновленный Богом трек. Это повысит ваше сознание и создаст платформу для интуитивного интеллекта. Это очень мистическая и исцеляющая мелодия, призванная помочь вам соединиться с Высшим Миром Света. Работая с АУМ таким образом, вы пробуждаете Божественные железы и устанавливаете прямую связь с Небесными сферами, которые, в свою очередь, даруют вам благословение и благодать Создателя. Это откроет ваше сердце, уравновесит вашу ауру и принесет молодость и жизненную силу вашему телу. Работайте сo Sacred Aum и поклоняйтесь Богу в своем сердце. Пусть он успокаивает и утешает вашу душу, образуя Мост Света от вашего сердца к сердцу Небес. Пусть будет так.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Version I with piano, guitar, and violin 11:00
2 Version II with guitar and synthesizer 11:00
3 Version I (extended) 31:00
4 Lullaby 11:00
Lumen De Lumine opens the heart and surrounds those who chant or listen to it with a blanket of light. Just listen to it and it will purify and strengthen your aura. Play it in a room and it will clear the energy in a short time. Go to sleep with it and you will awake revitalized. When faced with challenges, play it continuously. It will eat the darkness out of your life. It is a prayer of the strongest potency.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Shema 11:03
2 El Na Refa Na La 11:04
3 Boi Ruach Elohim 11:04
4 Yeh Hesh Shoe Wah 12:42
5 Kabbalah Breath of Glow 11:00
1 Shema
This is a powerful prayer that symbolizes the ultimate manifestation of faith and hope in the gravest of situations. Therefore, it is vital to the complex, challenging times we are living in. It translates as Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One and is one of the Jewish traditions most famous sayings. The Torah records that Moses included the Shema in his farewell to the Jewish people. Events occurring in our world may seem to deny the idea that God is One. Shema declares that all events, regardless of how we perceive them, originate in the One. The confusion we feel as we seek to differentiate between "good" and "bad" stems from our limited perception of reality. We must develop the capacity to see God in light as well as in darkness. Shema is a simple and powerful spiritual formula which unites all love-, peace- and light-loving people and brings more divine light into our world. In these complex and karmic times, everyone can help in a simple, yet powerful way: Every morning and evening, take a break from whatever you are doing and say the Shema along with the Prayer of Love, Peace and Light. Concentrate on the meaning of the words. Share this with loved ones and friends.
2 El Na Refa Na La
Here is a healing prayer found in the Torah (Numbers 12:13). When Moses' sister, Miriam, is struck by disease, Moses offers the shortest prayer in the Hebrew Bible: El Na Refa Na La, which means, Please, God, please heal her. You too can use this simple prayer of peace, strength and healing in the service of healing yourself and others.
3 Boi Ruach Elohim
Boi Ruach Elohim means Come, Holy Spirit and invokes the power of life and the Spirit of the Living God to elevate our consciousness.
4 Yeh Hesh Shoe Wah
Vibrating this word of power leads to the true spiritual marriage born from the union of Spirit and matter, Heaven and Earth, to bring about a condition of manifestation of cosmic consciousness. When we allow Spirit to come down into matter to enliven and spiritualize it, we connect with the light of the soul, which brings the harmony of Heaven into our lives.
$36.00 USD
We are deeply grateful to release the Infinite Substance 2019 Meditation Compilation and accompanying guide by Dr. Levry, featuring 2 all-new tracks, created especially to form a sublime blueprint for...
$25.00 USD
Introducing Infinite Healing, a special recording that is essential for all Harmonyum Healing practitioners and can also be used on its own to bring balance, health and harmony into the...
$15.00 USD
The sacred prayers found on this devotional compilation will connect you with your Spirit and establish a relationship between you and your higher self so that you may experience the vastness of your being. Meditating with these mantric prayers will take you to the door of Heaven; Naam will open the door.
Track Listing
1 Ad Rosam 11:01
2 Harmonic Ra Ma Da Sa 11:04
3 Five Healing Vowels 11:04
1 Ad Rosam
Ad Rosam per Crucem; Ad Crucem per Rosam. Attaining the Rose through the way of the Cross; attaining the Cross through the way of the Rose. The blossoming of the rose in the heart is the unfoldment of our inner, higher consciousness. Vibrating these sacred words will help activate the Rose of the Spirit so that it may blossom upon the cross of our body, and transform our heart into a vehicle through which the light of the Sun may shine and heal all those around us.
2 Harmonic RA Ma Da Sa
The vibration of "Ra Ma Da Sa" cuts across time and space and brings healing. It maintains, strengthens and improves your health. It can generate beneficial energy in hospital rooms and places of recovery. It will also create a peaceful and productive environment in the workplace. Families can benefit from its harmonizing effects on the home, children and even pets. Ra Ma Da Sa is a concentrated form of spiritual healing used by Master yogis for thousands of years to build bodily resistance to disease and treat a myriad of ailments. In fact, they believed Ra Ma Da Sa acted as an energetic tonic, improving the circulation and flow of prana throughout the entire body. This completely beneficial mantra strengthens the energy field and improves every aspect of your life. When you listen to or chant along with the Ra Ma Da Sa CDs, disease, pain and sorrow move out of your life, granting you liberation from disease and freedom to move toward greater happiness. In a manner that is beyond words, this mantra fortifies the immune system in ways that are unmatched by both medicinal herbs and modern drugs alike. Your breath is a potent tool here. When you chant along with any of the Ra Ma Da Sa CDs, the power of your breath becomes so balanced, so purified and developed that it attracts all the healing elements you could get from herbs, flowers, fruits and other natural remedies. You can attain as much healing as you desire if you work with Ra Ma Da Sa. Its capacity to serve is infinite. Simply by being in the presence of its healing vibrations, you will receive its benefits automatically. Ra Ma Da Sa is so powerful that it will bring you health and peace even if they are not written in the stars for you. It will even heal those who cannot pronounce the words correctly. Those who chant this mantra will age in grace. In the spirit of love and healing, share this knowledge with others.
3 Five Healing Vowels
The Five Healing Vowels (I-E-O-U-A) comprise a mystical formula that can be vibrated to activate all the spiritual centers for healing and spiritual growth.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD are powerful spiritual seeds. When planted in a person's heart, they will sprout the most beautiful healing tree that will, in turn, bear delicious, sweet fruit. This CD features vocals ascending the musical scale to amplify the healing processes of the body.
Track Listing
1 Har Haray Haree (soulful) 10:27
2 Wahey Guru Ascending 27:05
3 Ra Ma Da Sa (adagio) 11:02
4 Har Gobinday (strings) 12:25
1 Har Haray Haree (soulful)
Har Haray Haree is the creative aspect of the infinite manifest in the finite.
2 Wahey Guru Ascending
This mantra is a powerful spiritual seed. Plant it in a person's heart in this musical scale, and it will sprout the most beautiful healing tree. In turn, this tree will bear delicious, sweet fruit. Ascending Naam frequencies diffuse the inharmonious energies that cause disturbances in our physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual essences. When vibrated in ascending order, the mesmerizing tones of Wahey Guru generate vibratory fields that neutralize any frequencies counter to our highest good. Wahey Guru creates a beautiful blanket of healing light that even protects us against bacteria and viruses. Simply put, negativity and lower vibrations cannot stand in the presence of ascending frequencies. As you move through the frequencies in an ascending sequence, unhealthy cells begin to destabilize and create room for new cells. The human voice carries something in its vibration that makes it more powerful than any musical instrument. It contains consciousness. Science will soon discover that the practice of Naam is actually metabolized in the body, where it acts as a healer and immune system builder through the harmonic principle.
3 Ra Ma Da Sa (Adagio)
This particular version of Ra Ma Da Sa has been proven through medical research to reduce pain. A study published in the Jurnal of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology found that Ra Ma Da Sa (Adagio), in combination with other mantras in the practice, resulted in a 14% reduction in pain medication during chemotherapy treatment in a children's cancer hospital. You can read more about this groundbreaking research here.
4 Har Gobinday (strings)
This sound current, known as the Guru Gaitri Mantra, removes bad luck and karmic blocks. It also balances the hemispheres of the brain and cleanses the subconscious mind.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung (I) 11:03
2 Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung (II) 11:02
3 Instrumental version 10:15
4 Extended version 30:00
Ra Ma Da Sa is a concentrated form of spiritual healing used by Master yogis for thousands of years to build bodily resistance to disease and treat a myriad of ailments. In fact, they believed Ra Ma Da Sa acted as an energetic tonic, improving the circulation and flow of prana throughout the entire body. This completely beneficial mantra strengthens the energy field and improves all aspects of your life.
$15.00 USD
The sound vibrations on this CD greatly amplify one's ability to manifest the things they want in this life. When practiced with reverence, these sacred words of power will elevate the self into the bosom of the Divine and establish a direct link with the Spirit.
Track Listing
1 ONG with Piano 11:00
2 ONG with Prayer of Light 5:05
3 Twelve Seed Sounds 11:00
4 Seed Sounds Instrumental 11:00
These sound vibrations give youth, beauty and spiritual illumination. They work on the glandular system and organs. ONG will take you to a meditative and creative space, and leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized. A regular practice of listening to this CD or chanting along with it promotes good health and helps develop intuitive intelligence. Features the Prayer of Light, a beautiful affirmation of self-love and universal love.
$45.00 USD
High Frequency Healing is an active meditation and spiritual practice album created to act as a profound antidote to the overwhelming pressures of our present times. Its meticulously crafted tracks are more than just melodies; they are a lifeline, offering a buffer against the storms of life. With each note, each chant, and each vibration, High Frequency Healing provides the breathing room your spirit craves, freeing you from the sensation of suffocating under life's burdens. This album is a gift to you - a tool to not only survive but thrive amidst adversity, inviting tranquility, resilience, and a profound connection to the cosmic rhythm of the universe.
Important Note: Every track on this album, with the exception of the bonus track, has been carefully engineered to include a specific frequency that encourages the brain to shift into the alpha wave state. By shifting the brain into alpha, these tracks assist in inducing a state of relaxed alertness, making them ideal for meditation, stress reduction, and creative thinking. The alpha state is also linked to increased serotonin production, which can improve mood and promote a sense of calm well-being.
Key Highlights & Benefits:
• Facilitates a deep connection with the source of life energy.
• Brings harmony to every aspect of being, recharging the spiritual battery.
• Aligns the body's energy with the healing energy of the universe.
• Provides relief from migraines and mental and emotional pressure.
• Enhances self-esteem and mind-body coordination.
The Alpha 120 Hz Bhramari track unleashes your brain's full potential! This unique track combines the ancient yogic technique of Bhramari Pranayama, known for its "humming bee" breath, with brainwave technology and specific frequencies that naturally induces alpha brainwaves. The result is a deeply soothing experience, resonating through the brain and body, and fostering mental, emotional, and spiritual equilibrium.
Alpha 120 Hz Bhramari is more than just a meditative track; it's a key to unlocking the full potential of your brain. When the brain operates in the alpha state, accessed through this practice, it becomes a conduit to intuition, the realm of creative solutions, and guidance from your higher self. This heightened state of awareness is where profound insights and innovations are born. Engaging in this practice twice daily can have far-reaching benefits, including preventing the shrinkage of neurons that occurs with aging, and even increasing IQ.
Moreover, Alpha 120 Hz Bhramari unlocks the totality of your brain's power, fostering an environment where manifestation and creative problem-solving thrive. By meditating with this track you will experience an almost immediate relaxation response and the melting away of stress, but that is only the beginning. Alpha 120 Hz Bhramari is about tapping into the depths of your cognitive abilities and unleashing the full spectrum of your mental capabilities. Alpha 120 Hz Bhramari will ive you an edge and serve as a vital success tool in your life, helping you navigate life's challenges with greater ease, intelligence, and creativity.
The practice of Alpha 120 Hz Bhramari is a multi-faceted healing tool. It activates the vagus nerve, pivotal in the body's relaxation response, inducing a state of deep relaxation and effectively combating modern-day stress and anxiety. The track’s unique frequency stimulates the production of nitric oxide, improving blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, and bolstering the immune system against pathogens. This holistic approach extends to mental clarity, focus, and emotional healing, providing relief from migraines and mental pressure. By promoting a conducive environment for natural healing processes, Alpha 120 Hz Bhramari enhances self-esteem and fosters a robust mind-body connection. In essence, this track is not just a listening experience but a key to unlocking improved relationships, heightened cognitive function, and a more balanced, fulfilling life.
Track 3 contains a first-ever recording of a secret seed sound used by mystics for creating positive interactions and flow in challenging situations. It is also a catalyst for bringing success, helping stabilize and clarify your mind's vision.
The Cosmic Alignment Guided Meditation on track 4 unveils the latent healing power inherent in every individual, a power that, when properly harnessed, can heal every affliction and ailment known to mankind. By engaging in this meditation, you clear the path for this healing energy to operate freely, revitalizing the natural systems of your body. As you practice, you become a magnet for the necessities of life, both material and spiritual, attracting what you need for your immediate well-being and evolutionary growth. This omnipresent and infinite force saturates every cell with spiritual energy, linking you to the divine and constituting your higher self.
This meditation addresses the essence of fatigue and healing by countering the daily depletion of your vitality. By embracing rhythmic breathing and attunement to the natural rhythms of the cosmos, you release divine power within, harmonizing with the universe's spiritual forces. As you activate your mental and spiritual centers through this spiritual practice, you absorb high-voltage spiritual energy, awakening and stimulating these centers to distribute healing throughout your body. Regular practice stabilizes these centers, empowering you to direct this spiritual energy to heal various mental, emotional, and physical challenges. By the end of each session, envision yourself enveloped in a sphere of light, embodying spiritual and healing qualities, ensuring a holistic rejuvenation of your entire being.
Track Listing
1 Alpha 120 Hz Bhramari 11:17
2 Aum - Aum - Aum - Om Om - Au-men 11:05
3 Mystical Seed Sound 4:31
4 Cosmic Alignment Guided Meditation 34:06 A complete self-healing session
Bonus Cosmic Rhythms 10:06
$30.00 USD
These mantra vibrations can change your luck within just a few minutes of doing them. If you are stuck in a situation, do it, and it will work. It changes the tides. The mantras on this album are there to bring you wealth, success, health, harmony, prosperity, protection, and much more.
When you vibrate Asam Bagasha Sharakan on track 1, the Seed (Beej) Mantra of the Navgrah (nine planets), all the planetary bodies come together to rewrite your destiny for the better so that whatever you are going through shifts positively. Even people who are challenged in their health can benefit from these mantras since health challenges are based upon disturbances in planetary bodies.
People whose business is challenged can benefit from this album immensely. Those that are in situations where things are not going the way they want, even if it’s not written in their destiny, will become lucky. If the energy is off and not right around you, the energy will shift as soon as you vibrate these mantras. This is how powerful they are. These sound vibrations are specifically for this complex time with everything going on all over the world. When nothing goes right, this is the album you work with. Do Asam Bagasha Sharakan to make things go right.
Mantra Sheet and Details
Asam Bagasha Sharakan
This is the seed (beej) mantra of the Nine Stars Navgrah mantra. Asam Bagasha Sharakan carries the power to rewrite your destiny! This powerful sound comes alive in your heart on this memorable melody as it brings waves of grace, blessing your life with good health, wealth, and success. Right now, it is recommended to make this mantra part of your regular meditation practice to help everything flow smoothly in your life.
Nine Stars Navgrah Mantra
The Earth’s magnetic field at your birth, combined with your karmic debts, creates a unique cosmic plate that influences your life path. Disturbances in life can be traced back to imbalances in our cosmic blueprint, leading to health, relationship and financial issues. To put it another way, our destiny is determined at birth through the influence of the nine planets (Navgrah). Therefore, a part of our human experience means inheriting circumstances that are beyond our control because of the time and space of our birth. There are certain events in our life, for example, that create lasting patterns in our brain's neural network. Chanting the Navgrah mantra pleases and releases the negative influences of the nine planetary bodies that may have been present on the Earth during our birth, harmonizing our energy with the cosmic forces and moving us on the path to our highest destiny. As a result, luck, wealth, success, and health come into our life gracefully and effortlessly, regardless of what may have been written on our cosmic plate. The mantra is made up of the Sanskrit names of the planetary bodies.
Om Aadityaaya - Sun
Somaaya - Moon
Mangalaa Ya - Mars
Budhaaya Cha - Mercury
Guru - Jupiter
Shukra - Venus
Shanibyasa - Saturn
Raahave - Rahu
Ketave - Ketu
• Navgrah Instrumental The instrumental track puts you in a healing, meditative mood.
• Ganputi Reset | Sa Ta Na Ma Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung
This mantra is linked to samskaras, karma and dharam. It will take away all negative karmas you carry from past lives and have to pay for now, as well as the karma you create from what you do in your daily life. The suffering or happiness we currently experience is due to past debt or credit. This mantra clears the way for dharam - what good you do today will be rewarded tomorrow.
As a very special bonus, this album includes the Portal of Fire manifestation meditation guided by Dr. Levry (streaming video). This album is designed to help humanity align and adapt to the powerful and complex forces reshaping our way of life now and in the times to come.
Track Listing
1 Asam Bagasha Sharakan 7:02
2 Nine Star Navgrah 12:21
3 Navgrah Instrumental 11:37
Bonus #1 Ganputi Reset 5:28
Bonus #2 Video Guided Meditation: Portal of Fire 10:06
A complete manifestation session
$45.00 USD
The I Am: Theta State album was created to gently shift your brain waves into theta. When we move from alpha to theta (brain wave activity is slow at 4–8 Hz) we create a link between our inner and outer worlds, allowing us to process things in a very new way. In theta we can disconnect from past traumatic experiences and release ourselves from replicating the same painful patterns in our lives. This album is a gateway to the deep recesses of your subconscious mind. The theta state is used in hypnosis and is very powerful for reprogramming subconscious patterns. Theta waves have been shown to reduce pain, promote euphoria and stimulate the release of endorphins. This album is further complemented with a combination alpha-theta-alpha track that allows you to safely and gently move into and come back out of theta.
Introducing the Fourth Dimension Series from Dr. Levry
You have a fourth-dimensional self. Your fourth dimensional self, which you cannot see, can take care of your three-dimensional self, which you can see. Simply put, your three-dimensional self is a replica of your fourth-dimensional self. While your three-dimensional self is subject to time and space, your fourth-dimensional self can go in the past, present or the future because there is no time in the fourth dimension. Your third-dimensional self is limited by time and space because everything happens according to time and space in the third dimension. On the contrary, nothing happens according to time and space in the fourth dimension. First and foremost, it is important to understand that for an event to take place in the third dimension it must first travel through the fourth dimension.
Our fourth-dimensional self is not awake, however, therefore we have great difficulty making changes in the third dimension, the world of effects. What we must realize here and now is that the third dimension is a projection of the fourth dimension (the world of causes). All that we experience in our life and know to be true about ourselves is the effect of a generally unconscious fourth-dimensional cause. It can be changed. In the third dimension you must apply effort to make changes to your life. In the fourth dimension there is no effort. In fact, to work in the fourth dimension you have to be very relaxed. This is where the Fourth Dimension I Am series comes in as your trusted guide. These recordings have been specifically created to provide you with access to the higher aspect of the fourth-dimension so that you can readily create far-reaching positive changes in your life and your health.
Music as Neurotherapy
The constant electric activity of billions of brain cells results in brain waves that reflect our state of consciousness. Brain waves respond to specific frequencies when listened to and certain mantras when vocalized. Therefore, the Fourth Dimension series of recordings can be used as neurotherapy.
Beta waves are fast (14 Hz and higher) and correspond to states of alertness, reactivity and focus on the external world. An increase in beta activity occurs when our sympathetic nervous system and heart rate are accelerated in situations of stress, strong emotions, and trauma. Prolonged beta activity can result in chronic disease, mental exhaustion, and suboptimal human performance. Theta waves are slow (4–7 Hz) and are caused by an increase in parasympathetic activity. Theta waves draw our focus to the internal world to access states of deep meditation, creativity, and healing. Alpha wave activity (7–14 Hz) connects the external and internal worlds and is a state of balance, and relaxation. Strong alpha power increases calmness, reorganization, resilience, and flexibility.
These recordings from Dr. Levry activate alpha and theta power, which combined enhance our ability to detach from past traumas, and experience extraordinary feelings and insights. Practicing along or listening to these tracks reduces anxiety and depression related to beta activity. They are helpful in preventing panic attacks, sleep disturbances and chronic pain. By shifting your brain waves, these musical compositions can open the door to the fourth dimension so that you can change your life by working directly on the causal plane.
The Fourth Dimension and the Theta State
By listening to the first three tracks (recorded at 6, 12 and 30 minutes) while repeating the mantra I AM, you will experience a gentle activation of the theta state. The mantra is first repeated audibly, then at a whisper and finally mentally. Furthermore, the musical composition is layered with frequencies to facilitate the shift to theta. The times of the track vary because the time it takes to enter theta are highly personal and will depend on the practitioner. Those that are advanced can do it in 6 minutes, while some may need the full 30 minutes. With each repetition of I AM you are going deeper and deeper into alpha. Furthermore, the musical composition is layered with frequencies to facilitate the shift from beta waves to theta waves. Theta is a deeply healing state. Track 4 is purely instrumental and is beneficial during deep healing work like Harmonyum.
Track 5 was designed as a kind of code for the brain to follow. When we make the transition from Beta (awake) to Alpha (relaxed) to Theta (deeply relaxed) and then hold our brain in this relaxed pattern, we create a state of mind that mixes reality with the subconscious. This is especially beneficial when we have difficulty quieting the mind and/or are too fidgety/restless to go from Beta (awake) directly to Theta (deep relaxation). This recording provides you with an effective tool for quieting the mind and melting away the constant mental chatter that would otherwise prevent you from entering the highly desirable theta state. Furthermore, repeatedly moving from alpha to theta creates a link between our inner and outer worlds and allows us to process things in a very new way. Endorphins are secreted and pain is reduced as we move through these states.
Track Listing
1 I AM Theta State for Healing and Releasing Trauma 6:34
2 I AM Theta State for Healing and Releasing Trauma 12:51
3 I AM Theta State for Healing and Releasing Trauma 30:41
4 Theta State Instrumental 15:00
5 Alpha-Theta-Alpha Meditation 30:00
$30.00 USD
Why Divine Grace? In times of uncertainty, when challenges weigh heavy and answers seem elusive, this album offers a sanctuary of hope and transformation. The sacred mantras within Divine Grace are designed to recalibrate your energy, open your heart, and draw in the light of divine blessings. These mantras work on a vibrational level, aligning your inner rhythm with the higher frequencies of love and prosperity.
Love is the language of God. Love created the world and all forces obey love. There is nothing above love, and there is nothing beyond love. God is love, love is God, and they cannot be separated. God is love, wisdom, and truth; wisdom and truth cannot be understood without love.
The vibrations of these sacred sounds are ancient and timeless, used by mystics and sages across traditions to tap into the divine essence of LOVE. Each repetition refines your energy field, clears obstacles, and tunes you into the Infinite Grace of the Universe.
Mantra Sheet and Details
Om Vasudhare Swaha
This is a mantra of prosperity which means, I pray to you, O Goddess Earth, bless me with abundance. It is dedicated to the goddess Vasudhara, who is responsible for bringing wealth, abundance, and prosperity to those who worship her.
Om: The sound representing the universal energy and divine consciousness.
Vasudhaare: Stands for Vasudhara Devi, the goddess of abundance and prosperity.
Swaha: This is used to invoke the divine energy and offer one's prayers.
Vibrating this mantra will open your mind and heart, causing you to become more generous and kind toward your loved ones and others. This mantric vibration makes you a magnet for opportunities, wealth and abundance, helping to manifest your dreams and bring blessings into your life.
The mantra Om Vasudhare Svaha is deeply rooted in Buddhist traditions, connecting practitioners with Vasudhara, the Bodhisattva of wealth and prosperity. It originates from ancient Buddhist texts and rituals, emphasizing its power to bring about abundance.
Ya Wadudu
The sacred Word Ya Wadudu is a name of God that means "the loving one" or "the loving kindness," "The Affectionate," or "The Most Loving." It vibrates at the frequency of love. A consistent practice will make you highly attractive, magnetic and likeable. Love is the language of God. Love created the world and all forces obey love. There is nothing above love, and there is nothing beyond love. God is love, love is God, and they cannot be separated. God is love, wisdom, and truth; wisdom and truth cannot be understood without love.
A human being without love is like a garden without water; nothing grows there, and there are no fruits. It is impossible to make sense of life without love. Love turns all mistakes into precious stones. Love is a source of life, light, warmth, strength, health, and beauty. Nothing enlivens, animates, and renews the human heart like love. The human heart cannot live without love, as it is the only thing that makes it truly happy. The heart is always searching for the warmth of love, wanting to love and be loved. A heart full of love is the best medicine.
Chanting Ya Wadudu helps to manifest the will of God by bringing love to the Earth, paving the way for peace. The purpose of life is to open the heart and become a channel of love. Through love, we are in harmony with the cosmos, allowing the blessings of the universe to flow into us. This mantra also resonates with the mystical wisdom of the Ya Wadudu technique, where practitioners chant it 144 times, corresponding to the 144,000 souls mentioned in the Book of Revelations. These beings, saints, adepts, and Masters are said to guide awakened souls toward manifesting divine love and the will of God, moving humanity forward into the light.
Inna Aatai Na Ka
A powerful vibration for wealth and abundance.
Track Listing
1 Om Vasudhare Swaha 25:21
2 Ya Wadudu 14:29
3 Inna Aatai Na Ka 17:58
4 Ya Wadudu Jubilee (remix) 14:29
Bonus Ya Wadudu Express (144x) 3:12
$45.00 USD
By working with the I Am: Alpha State album you will cause your brain waves to progressively shift into alpha (wave activity of 7–14 Hz) so that you can readily experience being "in the zone" and what has historically been described as the "flow state" where our abilities are seemingly limitless. It is a state of calm focus where our thoughts are clear, solutions are effortless and we are free to express our genius. This is also the ideal receptive state to impress the subconscious mind with our wishes and manifest our desires as this brain wave pattern opens a direct link to the fourth dimension.
Introducing the Fourth Dimension Series from Dr. Levry
You have a fourth-dimensional self. Your fourth dimensional self, which you cannot see, can take care of your three-dimensional self, which you can see. Simply put, your three-dimensional self is a replica of your fourth-dimensional self. While your three-dimensional self is subject to time and space, your fourth-dimensional self can go in the past, present or the future because there is no time in the fourth dimension. Your third-dimensional self is limited by time and space because everything happens according to time and space in the third dimension. On the contrary, nothing happens according to time and space in the fourth dimension. First and foremost, it is important to understand that for an event to take place in the third dimension it must first travel through the fourth dimension.
Our fourth-dimensional self is not awake, however, therefore we have great difficulty making changes in the third dimension, the world of effects. What we must realize here and now is that the third dimension is a projection of the fourth dimension (the world of causes). All that we experience in our life and know to be true about ourselves is the effect of a generally unconscious fourth-dimensional cause. It can be changed. In the third dimension you must apply effort to make changes to your life. In the fourth dimension there is no effort. In fact, to work in the fourth dimension you have to be very relaxed. This is where the Fourth Dimension I Am series comes in as your trusted guide. These recordings have been specifically created to provide you with access to the higher aspect of the fourth-dimension so that you can readily create far-reaching positive changes in your life and your health.
Music as Neurotherapy
The constant electric activity of billions of brain cells results in brain waves that reflect our state of consciousness. Brain waves respond to specific frequencies when listened to and certain mantras when vocalized. Therefore, the Fourth Dimension series of recordings can be used as neurotherapy.
Beta waves are fast (14 Hz and higher) and correspond to states of alertness, reactivity and focus on the external world. An increase in beta activity occurs when our sympathetic nervous system and heart rate are accelerated in situations of stress, strong emotions, and trauma. Prolonged beta activity can result in chronic disease, mental exhaustion, and suboptimal human performance. Theta waves are slow (4–7 Hz) and are caused by an increase in parasympathetic activity. Theta waves draw our focus to the internal world to access states of deep meditation, creativity, and healing. Alpha wave activity (7–14 Hz) connects the external and internal worlds and is a state of balance, and relaxation. Strong alpha power increases calmness, reorganization, resilience, and flexibility.
These recordings from Dr. Levry activate alpha and theta power, which combined enhance our ability to detach from past traumas, and experience extraordinary feelings and insights. Practicing along or listening to these tracks reduces anxiety and depression related to beta activity. They are helpful in preventing panic attacks, sleep disturbances and chronic pain. By shifting your brain waves, these musical compositions can open the door to the fourth dimension so that you can change your life by working directly on the causal plane.
The Fourth Dimension and the Alpha State
By listening to the first three tracks (recorded at 6, 12 and 30 minutes) while repeating the mantra I AM, you will experience a gentle activation of the alpha state. The mantra is first repeated audibly, then at a whisper and finally mentally. Furthermore, the musical composition is layered with frequencies to facilitate the shift from beta waves to alpha waves. The times of the track vary because the time it takes to enter alpha are highly personal and will depend on the practitioner. Those that are advanced can do it in 6 minutes, while some may need the full 30 minutes. With each repetition of I AM you are going deeper and deeper into alpha. Note that it is when the manta is no longer audible on the track, and you are repeating it mentally, that you can begin projecting your visualization. The alpha state is the ideal environment for reprogramming your present and lends itself perfectly to helping you manifest your desires. Carefully paint your masterpiece with the help of your five senses so that the fourth dimension can produce a beautiful replica in the third dimension. The track will then guide you back out of alpha so that you can resume your daily activities if you wish. With some practice you will begin to change your life, transforming what was once an unconscious pursuit for survival into a Garden of Eden.
Tracks 4 and 5 are purely instrumental and are perfectly suited to be listened to while you work or are engaged in any creative endeavor. Doing so will invite creativity, intuition, the guidance you need to make things happen and brilliant ideas into your mind. Track 6 is a reimagining of the alpha state meditation tracks with a more active backdrop.
Track Listing
1 I AM Alpha State for Programming and Manifestation 6:34
2 I AM Alpha State for Programming and Manifestation 12:51
3 I AM Alpha State for Programming and Manifestation 30:41
4 Alpha State Instrumental 15:00
5 Alpha State Active Instrumental 15:00
6 I AM Alpha State ACTIVE for Programming and Manifestation 12:51
$15.00 USD
The four tracks on this CD support the Naam 5 sequence for vitality, youth and beauty. Once you learn the practice you can rely on the music tracks used in the...
$75.00 USD
Bring your Body and Mind into a State of Harmonious Balance with the Line of Equilibrium Meditation The Line of Equilibrium Guided Meditation is a powerful, magical practice for awakening...
$60.00 USD
This music playlist was created especially to support your Sukshma Vyayama Powed by (Series I) practice. Track Listing1 Three Waves of Aum2 Triple Mantra (11X)3 Gurur Brahma4 Vision Instrumental5 Pranic Breath6 Beam of Light7 Rise 8 Positive Vibrations9 Liberation10 The...
$45.00 USD
Sanación de Alta Frecuencia es un álbum de meditación activa y una práctica espiritual creada para actuar como un profundo antídoto contra las abrumadoras presiones de nuestros días. Sus pistas, meticulosamente elaboradas, son algo más que melodías: son un salvavidas que hace más ligeras las tormentas de la vida. Con cada nota, cada canto y cada vibración, este álbum proporciona el respiro que tu espíritu anhela, liberándote de la sensación de asfixia provocada por las cargas de la vida. Sanación de Alta Frecuencia es un regalo para ti: una herramienta no sólo para sobrevivir, sino para prosperar en medio de la adversidad, que invita a la tranquilidad, a la resistencia y a una profunda conexión con el ritmo cósmico del universo..
Nota importante: Todas las pistas de este álbum, a excepción de la pista adicional, han sido cuidadosamente diseñadas para incluir una frecuencia específica que estimula al cerebro a entrar en el estado de ondas alfa. Al cambiar el cerebro a alfa, estas pistas ayudan a inducir un estado de alerta relajado, por lo que son ideales para la meditación, la reducción del estrés y el pensamiento creativo. El estado alfa también está relacionado con el aumento de la producción de serotonina, que puede mejorar el estado de ánimo y promover una sensación de bienestar tranquilo..
Beneficios Principales:
• Facilita una conexión profunda con la fuente de energía vital.
• Aporta armonía a todos los aspectos del ser, recargando la batería espiritual.
• Alinea la energía del cuerpo con la energía sanadora del universo.
• Alivia las migrañas y la presión mental y emocional.
• Mejora la autoestima y la coordinación mente-cuerpo.
La pista Bhramari Alfa 120 Hz libera todo el potencial de tu cerebro. Esta pista única combina la antigua técnica yóguica del Bhramari Pranayama, conocida como respiración de "abeja zumbadora", con tecnología de ondas cerebrales y frecuencias específicas que inducen de forma natural ondas cerebrales alfa. El resultado es una experiencia profundamente relajante, que resuena en el cerebro y el cuerpo y fomenta el equilibrio mental, emocional y espiritual.
Bhramari Alfa 120 Hz es más que una simple pista de meditación, es una llave para liberar todo el potencial de tu cerebro. Cuando el cerebro funciona en estado alfa, al que se accede a través de esta práctica, se convierte en un conducto hacia la intuición, el reino de las soluciones creativas y la guía de tu yo superior. En este estado de mayor conciencia nacen las ideas más profundas y las innovaciones. Realizar esta práctica dos veces al día puede tener beneficios de gran alcance, como prevenir la reducción de neuronas que se produce con el envejecimiento e incluso aumentar el coeficiente intelectual.
Además, Bhramari Alfa 120 Hz desbloquea la totalidad del poder de tu cerebro, fomentando un entorno en el que prosperan la manifestación y la resolución creativa de problemas. Al meditar con esta pista experimentarás una respuesta de relajación casi inmediata y la desaparición del estrés, pero eso es sólo el principio. Bhramari Alfa 120 Hz se trata de aprovechar las profundidades de tus capacidades cognitivas y dar rienda suelta a todo el espectro de tus capacidades mentales. Bhramari Alfa 120 Hz te dará muchas ventajas y te servirá como una herramienta para el éxito en tu vida, ayudándote a navegar por los desafíos de la vida con mayor facilidad, inteligencia y creatividad.
La práctica de Bhramari Alfa 120 Hz es una herramienta de sanación polifacética. Activa el nervio vago, fundamental en la respuesta de relajación del cuerpo, induciendo un estado de relajación profunda y combatiendo eficazmente el estrés y la ansiedad modernos. La frecuencia única de esta pista estimula la producción de óxido nítrico, lo que mejora la circulación sanguínea, reduce la presión arterial y refuerza el sistema inmunológico frente a agentes patógenos. Este enfoque holístico se extiende a la claridad mental, la concentración y la sanación emocional, proporcionando alivio de las migrañas y la presión mental. Al promover un entorno propicio para los procesos naturales de sanación, Bhramari Alfa 120 Hz mejora la autoestima y fomenta una sólida conexión mente-cuerpo. En esencia, esta pista no es sólo una experiencia auditiva, sino una clave para mejorar las relaciones, aumentar la función cognitiva y llevar una vida más equilibrada y plena.
La pista 3 contiene una grabación inédita de un sonido semilla secreto utilizado por los místicos para crear interacciones positivas y fluir en situaciones difíciles. También es un catalizador para atraer el éxito, ayudando a estabilizar y clarificar la visión de tu mente.
La Meditación Guiada de Alineación Cósmica en la pista 4 revela el poder sanador inherente que permanece latente en cada individuo, un poder que, cuando se aprovecha adecuadamente, puede sanar todas las aflicciones y dolencias conocidas por la humanidad. Al hacer esta meditación, despejas el camino para que esta energía sanadora opere libremente, revitalizando los sistemas naturales de tu cuerpo. A medida que practicas, te conviertes en un imán para satisfacer las necesidades de la vida, tanto materiales como espirituales, atrayendo lo que necesitas para tu bienestar inmediato y tu crecimiento evolutivo. Esta fuerza omnipresente e infinita satura cada célula de energía espiritual, vinculándote a lo divino y constituyendo tu yo superior.
Esta meditación trata la esencia de la fatiga y la sanación contrarrestando el agotamiento diario de tu vitalidad. Al abrazar la respiración rítmica y sintonizarte con los ritmos naturales del cosmos, liberas el poder divino interior, armonizándote con las fuerzas espirituales del universo. Al activar tus centros mentales y espirituales mediante esta práctica espiritual, absorbes energía espiritual de alto voltaje, despertando y estimulando estos centros para distribuir la sanación por todo tu cuerpo. La práctica regular estabiliza estos centros, lo que te permite dirigir esta energía espiritual para sanar diversos problemas mentales, emocionales y físicos. Al final de cada sesión, imagínate envuelto en una esfera de luz, encarnando cualidades espirituales y sanadoras, asegurando un rejuvenecimiento holístico de todo tu ser.
Track Listing
1 Alpha 120 Hz Bhramari 11:17
2 Aum - Aum - Aum - Om Om - Au-men 11:05
3 Mystical Seed Sound 4:31
4 Cosmic Alignment Guided Meditation 34:06 A complete self-healing session
Bonus Cosmic Rhythms 10:06
$19.00 USD
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