The Spiritual Significance of the Solar Eclipse
from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

August 20, 2017

The Spiritual Significance of the Solar Eclipse <br>from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

For thousands of years, the time of the solar and lunar eclipses have been known by mystics and yogis as highly inauspicious. On August 21, the world will bear witness to a solar eclipse, and the entire contiguous United States will experience a total solar eclipse, a celestial phenomenon that has not occurred for nearly a century. While the solar eclipse is a major and significant event, there is still a lot of misconception about its true meaning. No matter how wise or foolish we think we are, now is the time to heed the wisdom of the Ages and follow the laws of nature, so that we may understand how the universe works. The laws of nature are like a traffic signal for our lives and we must learn to read the stars like a roadmap. By working with the laws of nature, we get in touch with the intelligent forces that operate through them. The universe is intelligent and it is governed by certain immutable laws. When we live in contradiction with the laws of nature we invite misfortune into our lives. The correct understanding of the manifestation of the laws of nature develops our consciousness and gives us the tools we need to overcome weaknesses, so that we can direct our lives in constructive ways that are healing to ourselves and our loved ones. 

We must remember that Light is the principle of perfection and darkness is the absence of Light. During the solar eclipse, there is a decrease in Light, creating an environment more conducive to negativity. Therefore, this is the best time to practice meditation and pray, so that we may increase our inner Light and the brightness of our being. During the period of the eclipse, people are more prone to experience mental, emotional and physical stress that can affect relationships with friends, loved ones and oneself. It is important to highlight that the greatest symbol of Light upon the Earth is the Sun. It is the bringer of light, illumination, healing and goodness. During the upcoming solar eclipse, the Moon will obscure our view of the Sun, creating a time of partial to total darkness, depending on where you live in the world. The degree to which the Sun is eclipsed in your location will translate into the impact it will have on that region. Therefore, this is the best time to strengthen your energy, because there should be no weakness, no cavity and no area where darkness can penetrate in your aura. We must meditate to raise our light and lift the light of all the spirits and souls around us. 

The eclipses are periods of rapid change, opportunities for us to go within and accelerate our spiritual, moral and emotional growth. It is a time when the clarity of your mind can be affected and should not be the period you choose to begin a new project, job, relationship or place yourself in any environment where you are more prone to injury. During the eclipse, nature cautions us not to work with the soil of the Earth in any manner, and minimize your chances of unnecessary insect bites. This period can extend from one to three days before and after the actual eclipse can be seen. Unknown to most, mystics have always advised to abstain from having sexual intercourse or conceiving a child during this time. The reason for this is because the sexual force, which is one of the most powerful forces in the entire universe, is infused with solar energy. That force is also connected with the sphere called Yesod, on the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which stands for our foundation, and is linked to the zodiac sign Scorpio. During the time of the solar eclipse, that force is affected. A child conceived during an eclipse can develop imperfections, and pregnant women are discouraged from gazing at the eclipse, for the same reason. Keep in mind that any changes you may be experiencing in your life now are a reflection of your inner world. This is the best time to let go of the past. This period can bring out fear and anxiety. Some people may be forced to experience change in a way that might be uncomfortable, but will ultimately lead to an expansion of consciousness and spiritual growth. We have three major lines of defense: our immune system, electromagnetic field and digestive system. During the eclipse, these lines are more vulnerable, especially our digestive line of defense. If one can, it is preferable to abstain from food during the actual eclipse and, if possible, fast the entire day. Furthermore, one is well-advised to not eat one and a half to three hours before and after the eclipse. If you have a medical condition that requires you to eat more often, light, easily digestible snacks and fruit are preferred. Interestingly, those who find themselves in the third group of 52 days after their birthday or the 52 days directly preceding their birthday, respectively known as the Mars and Saturn periods, should exercise more caution. (For in-depth information about your personal planetary periods and influences, please consult the book Lifting the Veil.) 

This is the best time to meditate and fill yourself with God’s love. Alignment to the Divine through meditation and prayer, will rejuvenate your heart, mind and soul on this day. This is the best time to pray in order to create attunement and alignment to the source of your being, the Creator of your soul. Above all, this is a very beneficial time for meditation and working with sacred sound (Naam), especially when practiced in group consciousness. The solar eclipse presents the potential for personal and global transformation. Indeed, vibrating sacred sound in a group during the eclipse contributes greatly towards relieving the suffering of many and healing our world. The heavens are giving us this precious opportunity by opening up a portal to our inner world so that we may rid ourselves of our personal darkness and wash away some of our karma. Allow yourself to see yourself clearly. Those souls who vibrate or listen to Naam at the time of the eclipse receive blessings from the higher world. Vibrate Naam so that you may open your mind and your heart to the touch of the Divine, and increase the outpouring of Light at this spiritually significant time.

Special Naam Meditation Practice to Generate Light and Attract Blessings During the Solar Eclipse 
For maximum healing benefit, this set should be done before or during the solar eclipse. The powerful Naam Meditations in this set are for protection and bringing in the Light.


Tune In

Posture: Sit comfortably, either in a cross-legged position on the floor or on a chair with the feet flat on the floor. Maintain a long, straight spine and breathe deeply and naturally, in and out through the nose.

Focus: Connect mentally with the Sun and feel the light and warmth of the Sun blessing your entire being.

Optional: With your hands in Prayer Pose, tune in by vibrating the mantra Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya for 3 minutes along with the Rootlight Naam Pure Consciousness Activation CD.


Part I: HU

Posture: Sit comfortably, either in a cross-legged position on the floor or in a chair with the feet flat on the floor, maintaining a long straight spine.

Mudra: Place the palms of the hands on your heart.

Breath/Mantra: Inhale deeply and vibrate the mantra HU, extending the vowel sound.

Music: HU (Available as a free download. Click here.)

Time: 5 minutes

End: Inhale deeply, suspend the breath briefly and then relax.


Part II: Triple Mantra

Posture: Sit comfortably, either in a cross-legged position on the floor or in a chair with the feet flat on the floor, maintaining a long, straight spine.

Mudra: Bring the hands together and interlace the fingers, with the right thumb crossing over the left, in front of the solar plexus. The elbows are relaxed, at the sides of the body.  

Breath/Mantra: Inhale deeply and vibrate Triple Mantra on the exhale.

Music: Triple Mantra, found on track 1 of the Rootlight Triple Mantra CD.

Time: Continue for 5 minutes

End: Inhale deeply, suspend the breath briefly and then relax.


Part III: Protective Guru Ram Das

Posture: Sit comfortably either in a cross-legged position on the floor or in a chair with the feet flat on the floor, maintaining a long, straight spine.

Mudra: Place the hands in Prayer Pose at the heart center.

Breath/Mantra: Inhale deeply and vibrate Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru

7x on the exhale.

Time: 5 minutes

End: Inhale deeply, suspend the breath briefly and then relax.

Music: Protective Guru Ram Das, found on track 2 of the Rootlight Naam Infinitum CD.


Part IV: Walking in the Light

Posture: Sit comfortably either in a cross-legged position on the floor or in a chair with the feet flat on the floor, maintaining a long, straight spine.

Mudra: Place the palms of the hands on the heart and connect with your heart center.

Breath/Mantra: Inhale deeply and on the exhale chant:

Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light

I am a Child of the Light

And I Walk in the Light

And I Walk in the Light

And I Walk in the Light

And I Walk in the Light

Music: Walking in the Light, found in track 2 of the Rootlight The Great Spirit CD.

Time: continue for 5 minutes

End: Inhale deeply, suspend the breath briefly and then relax.


Closing with the Prayer of Love, Peace and Light

Love before me

Love behind me

Love at my left

Love at my right

Love above me

Love below me

Love unto me

Love in my surroundings

Love to all

Love to the Universe

Peace before me

Peace behind me

Peace at my left

Peace at my right

Peace above me

Peace below me

Peace unto me

Peace in my surroundings

Peace to all

Peace to the Universe  

Light before me

Light behind me

Light at my left

Light at my right

Light above me

Light below me

Light unto me

Light in my surroundings

Light to all

Light to the Universe 

Note: Listening to the Messages of Light on this day will be very healing. These recordings create a relationship between your mind and the Universal and Divine Mind.

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