A new level of consciousness for a new age - Issue 2

October 02, 2019

A new level of consciousness for a new age -  Issue 2

Divine grace allows us to recognize and know the oneness of life, acknowledge the diversification of Divinity and realize that deep down everything is the one Creator.

There is one Creator of all Creation. Our universe is nothing but grace. Every inhale and exhale is the grace of God in action. It is only through divine grace that we have been granted the breath of life.

Divine grace is a beautiful loving impulse of the Creator. By realizing that there is an underlying golden thread that binds all things together beneath the same universal force that is the creative impulse, the creative consciousness, and through this expanded awareness, we develop the capacity to receive the grace of the Creator. There is a permanent substance within all forms. Therefore, divisions are superficial. Our body is spiritual substance and cannot be limited. This realization blesses us with the wisdom that brings freedom. All forms are made of the Everlasting Substance. We are each, the manifestation of the Divine Spirit which is limitless.

The track Eck Ong Kar Sat Guru Prasad on the album Liberation, opens the natural flow of divine grace. The way it is produced creates a healing atmosphere for positive transformation allowing us to ask for divine grace and love to enter the heart.

All the forces of this world and beyond obey love. By becoming instruments of divine love, we open the space for divine grace to manifest. Loving is more sacred than any other act in life. Without love there would be no cosmos. Love develops in the heart of a man and woman who is ready to live a divine life while on Earth. Evil cannot exist in the presence of divine love. 

In the air we breathe, the Creator has given us an unlimited amount of blessings, but those blessings remain hidden to those whose hearts remained closed to the divine. Meditating with the fourth track on the album Liberation reduces your breath rate to less than two breaths a minute. As a result, ones receives all the beneficial positive forces of divine life. Breathing this way allows you to absorb all the divine blessings that are contained in the air. In turn, your willpower becomes strong and your entire being benefits as a manifestation of the divine. 

There is no power on earth that can stop you from manifesting your desire but you. Knowledge without action has no value. This meditation allows you to develop the instrument of the image of the creator within you and that is your willpower. Your willpower is of divine origin. Regardless of the pain you may feel in any part of your body, breathing with this practice will open the flow of healing in your body. This meditation will strengthen your nervous system and allow you to receive divine energy, removing fear and anxiety. Working with Divine Spiritual Wisdom opens our hearts to the science of unconditional love and this Science of Love is the spiritual way of the new world. May the blessings of the archangels, angels, sages and the saints be upon you all and may God bless you.

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