Relationship Vibration Report

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Heal and Uplift your Relationship

The Gifts of Divine Spiritual Wisdom in our Akashic Record Relationship Vibration Report will open your life up to the possibility of experiencing love in a new and positive way. Discovering the planetary vibration of the love relationship you have, or any you may create in the future is a treasure of great value to every man and woman who desires to build, nurture, and maintain a healthy love union.

It is a known fact we can all relate to: An unhealthy, wrong love relationship can hurt us physically, emotionally, and mentally. Most people employ trial and error as they proceed from one love relationship to the next. This unsafe method leads to unnecessary heartbreak, and must be avoided if one is to create a healthy love union. But how, one may ask, can we step around and over the pitfalls of trial and error? The answer lies in taking the guesswork out of your search for love, while opening your heart and mind to the possibility of experiencing love in a new and positive way. This is achieved by determining the planetary vibration of the love relationship you have, or any you may create in the future. Uncovering the vibration produced when you engage with another person is a treasure of great value to every man and woman who desires to build, nurture, and maintain a healthy love union.

Understand that behind the planetary archetype that rules your love union, the unseen forces of nature are hard at work directing it. It is the ignorance of both the existence of these forces and their relevance that causes the disease that shortens the life span of a given relationship and bitterly breaks the heart. Conversely, when love partners take the time to examine the ways in which these powerful forces of nature work, when they understand the implications and applications of theses forces and exercise personal responsibility, they can build the fertile foundation that spawns a healthy, positive union. As you can see, then, discovering the ruling planetary vibration of a given love union serves a greater purpose than mere curiosity. The true purpose is to grant you the knowledge and power necessary to transform the negative darkness into positive light. Armed with such knowledge and support, you will enter into a state of harmony, peace, and divinity that allows you to steer your love relationship in the right direction. In turn, you will save the relationship from dissolution and yourself from exploitation, for you will know that you have a wealth of options at your fingertips that allow you to respond and act in ways that heal and nurture. You will experience your own vastness and come to know the true reality of love.

Please note, Akashic Record reports are downloadable products and therefore are not eligible for a return/refund after purchase. 

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