Yearly Personal Forecast Report

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Please note, each report will reveal your TWO personal archetypes within one (1) calendar year, from January 1 to December 31, for the year you have chosen to analyze. 

How to read your Yearly Forecast Report
Under each archetype you will find three sections:

Section 1. A mystical explanation of your archetype for the first part of the year, along with its positive and negative aspects, that your subconscious mind can meditate upon in order to awaken your intuition. By reading this description you will feel an inner knowing unfolding within you. Let it serve as your unseen compass during this time and allow you to feel your way through the unseen forces at work in your life. In this section you are receiving information at the divine level.

Section 2. A description of the numerology behind this archetype. You will learn the attributes behind the number. In this section you are receiving at the astral level, which acts as a connecting bridge between the divine and physical levels.

Section 3. In the temporary vibration section you will find the most worldly or mater-of-fact information regarding this time in your life. These are concrete principles you can start to apply in your life immediately in order to move through this time gracefully and in alignment with your higher self. In this section you are receiving at the physical level.

About the Yearly Personal Forecast

It is important to know the nature of the yearly force that is ruling us, so that we may make the right decision regarding our well being. By knowing more about our yearly influence, we can embark on a course of action that encourages the release of the best of forces. In this way, everything we put out will come back as blessings to others and ourselves.

Your future is intimately linked to the life you live today, in the direction in which you orient your thoughts and feelings, and in the activities in which you chose to put your energies. Knowing your yearly influence helps you in your vigilance. As a result, you can choose the right timing and create the right beginning, in order to clear the way for a bountiful life. If you are careless, you will encumber your path with useless and harmful things that will hamper your development. Act low and beastly, and you will transmigrate the lower consciousness. Act high and divine, and you will incarnate into your higher self.

The purpose of human life is to burn Karma through the path of the heart, through service, through a spiritual life. All of our yesterdays have prepared today, and today prepares our tomorrows. By finding out about your yearly influence, and apply this sacred wisdom, you are able to properly direct your energies and sow the good seeds that will bear the most amazing fruits for health, success and happiness not only in 2024 but for years to come. Learn the laws of nature, and do the right thing. Happiness is the price of life. Without paying for it, you will not have it.

Your consciousness resides in timelessness. Therefore, your timing, your beginnings, will be right on target. However, it is impossible to predict all outcomes or stop all change. What is possible is maintaining an attitude of commitment, constancy, nobility, and awareness. This attitude allows you to use each movement of time and space, each outcome and fluctuation, to create a victorious life and a noble self and projection. By cultivating such an attitude, and learning the laws of nature, you will deliver on your intention, your product, and your service at the right time and in expert fashion.

The unseen powers and forces of nature and universal laws are in and around you. When you know how to access and work in accordance with these laws, you can achieve contentment. Contentment is not some elusive material entity. For contentment to be realized, you must listen to the voice inside you, the voice which functions in accordance with universal laws and can guide you toward self-fulfillment. The voice is there, waiting to be awakened. In Lifting the veil, the Alchemy of love, the Divine Doctor and the Healing fire of Heaven you will find tools for self-mastery. Pick them up and use them.

Please note, Akashic Record reports are downloadable products and therefore are not eligible for a return/refund after purchase. 

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