Messages of Light: Healing Trauma

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These words, spoken by Dr. Levry, are recorded as a mystical code that behaves like a universal panacea, feeding Divine thoughts directly into your subconscious mind. This Divine program is a unique spiritual tool designed to remove and replace the negative thought patterns that feed disease and poor health. In a manner akin to installing a new software program on your computer, this recording will overwrite existing limiting beliefs and conditioning so that you may realize your optimal, healthy state of being. It is mind medicine.

This sixth volume of Messages of Light focuses on the profound healing of trauma. It calls upon the supreme intelligence—a manifestation of divine love, wisdom, and truth—to begin healing your deepest wounds now. Trauma, or a deeply held wound, shapes the way we perceive the world, influencing our relationships, choices, and even physical health. By addressing these wounds with the power of this recording, you are guided to release the pain of the past and transform your perception. As your perspective shifts, so does your connection to the world and yourself, paving the way for physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal. This is a healing journey toward wholeness, rooted in the limitless potential of divine love.

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