Messages of Light: Infinite Possibilities

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These words, spoken by Dr. Levry, are recorded as a mystical code that behaves like a universal panacea, feeding Divine thoughts directly into your subconscious mind. This Divine program is a unique spiritual tool designed to remove and replace the negative thought patterns that feed disease and poor health. In a manner akin to installing a new software program on your computer, this recording will overwrite existing limiting beliefs and conditioning so that you may realize your optimal, healthy state of being. It is mind medicine.

This 4th Volume of Messages of Light focuses on raising your consciousness beyond any karmic limitation. Play it any time, especially as you drift off into a restful and restorative night's sleep.

When we listen to these divine words, our unique attributes, qualities and gifts blossom revealing the spiritual destiny we have come to fulfill in this lifetime. They will change your speech patterns and make your thoughts positive, uplifting and divine. As a result, blocks will begin to dissolve automatically. Indeed, this recording is like a blueprint for an everlasting fountain of blessings for your mind to integrate into its thought patterns. Since this Universe is a Universe of thought, as your thoughts change so will your entire world. All you have to do is listen, anytime and anywhere, in order for it to activate your own self-healing potential and experience remarkable healing benefits.

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